Domain Name purchase

The board has made the decision to purchase this domain ( ) currently for 5 years @ $12/year, and can be renewed after the 5 year term. The website is being setup as well as dedicated email addresses for the board members.

This will allow proper management and separation between board/hoa business and personal emails. This will also allow the contact information that can be published to be standardized and easy to read/type out for people, vs possibly complicated/random personal email addresses. This will also allow a central location for all community members to look for information and updates, as well as subscribe to our quarterly email newsletter(if you don’t want to check all the time and just want quarterly news updates)

The website/email hosting, time to setup and manage is being donated by Jamie Owens (HOA Vice President) and his Business InterbizNW( for the web/email hosting services).

Any questions, comments, or suggestions… Please Contact Us

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© 2023 Bay Ridge Community Club (UNOFFICIAL – NOT RUN BY HOA BOARD)