Youtube – JUNE 21 2023 ANNUAL MEETING

0:00 begins
1:15 Ken Jameson – President
1:49 Excuse making why Tyler can’t be here(sure has a lot of “issues”
2:00 Jamie Owens – Vice President
3:05 Thanks for the website (By the way Patty your stupid ass bright flyers only got 3 email signups)
3:13 I am an “Analog man in a digital world” HA HA HA(Not)
6:00 stormwater
4:18 Motion to accept 2022 minutes
4:35 2022 minutes accepted by majority
2:14 Judy Jones – Treasurer
2:35 Patty Jameson – Secretary
20:00 stormwater mains

24:00 3 catch basins replaced. KENS PROPERTY, TYLERS PROPERTY, Just to the EAST OF TYLERS

24:20 County(YEAH OK) said they wanted them to replace KENS and TYLERS catch basins…. Convenient! YOU GOT SOME BEFORE AND AFTER PICS? (*OF COURSE NOT, POOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT)


24:53 Re grouting ( WHERE DID THIS HAPPEN??)

26:26 Ken/Judy – If anyone wants to look at any of the stormwater invoices and what work was done. Its all OPEN TO SEE. (GOOD LUCK!)
29:47 Stu, Lot 70 – on Homeowner responsibility?

34:00 we pick and choose by when something breaks.
35:27 our funds are going to dictate (or is it your lack of spending control?)

35:45 Ken – Any other comments about the 2022-2023 budget
35:50 call for motion to accept 2022-2023 budget

36:00 Motion to accept by someone? NOT MARK ADAMS?
36:20 Motion passed
36:34 2023-2024 budget
37:33 Proposed Revenue
46:25 Close enough for government work
47:00 Who owes us
47:28 Pie in the sky money
48:00 whatever you can afford
48:33 We’re not like that
49:06 questioning balance sheet
50:36 liens and hardships
51:28 lady concerned they were going to take her house, ken spoke about delinquencies
52:30 discussing dues and raising dues
57:23 More hardship talk to sugarcoat them to look like the good guys when they are FULL OF SHIT.
1:02:30 going to make if you are not current you cannot vote
1:13:14 more stormwater talk
1:15:02 admits digging ditch on other land owners property to the north
1:23:52 talking about county meeting and being on “short list”
1:23:57 Judy and ken increased visits to assist members in meeting their rules and regulations.
1:25:00 approximately $10,000 in delinquent dues
1:25:19 praises website yet again; zero issues with me until they need their “issues” to fit their agenda conveniently at a later date
1:25:47 Any comments? Concerns? Questions?………………..Crickets
1:26:05 old business accepted
1:26:13 Current items to discuss
1:28:40 bus stop
1:29:18 took misinformed information and destroyed bus stop further
1:35:50 Director at large vacancy
1:37:47 Motion for Stuart joining the board
1:38:13 Motion passed Stuart joining as Director at large
1:39:38 Up for adjournment


  • Frank

    Thanks for posting this and the audio recording timeline. The recording doesn’t lie but our current Secretary sure does. Maybe if she had done more writing and less talking the Minutes would be of more value to homeowners.

  • Frank

    Thanks for this! I wasn’t able to make it to the meeting

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