Response From The Board. Re: Check out recent updates and developments 🕰️

Bay Ridge Estates Homeowners:

We hope this message attempt reaches you.   The HOA is no longer in control of the HOA website. 

Please know that your HOA Board is not ignoring all that you are seeing through what is now our defunct website.

Unfortunately,  our HOA website has been hijacked and is now filled with ramblings that are a fabricated mismatch of little truth and unusual viewpoints.   

We are trying hard to work thru all the issues with our HOA attorneys,  but,  yes, progress is slow.   No one wants this situation to get wrapped up soon more than we all do, but following the rules of our HOA documents and WA state RCWs takes time and consideration. 

Board and Owner Meeting schedules will be forthcoming.  

We look forward to meeting with you all.   

We ask for your patience and we understand how difficult that is, but we are doing our best and hope that will ultimately ensure success.  We ask you to withhold judgement until you know all the facts. 

The messages being fabricated and posted on the website are all just posted to create trouble and negativity.   We hope you can see this for what it is.

The website hijaker, and the few other people behind the barrage of website messages and posts, have no authority to speak on behalf of the HOA. 

I’m sorry that the website hijacker will probably follow this message, from your Board, with more negative posts, but we felt we needed to ring in to let you know that we are here and hope to get this resolved soon.  Remember,  we no longer have control of the website to reach you in an uncensored way. 

Thank you for your consideration. 

Bay Ridge Board of Directors



  • Mark Adams

    Hi Patty and Kenneth:
    The letter is postedd on this site. I mailed the RA the original. A copy to the cmmunity club address. I also provided six copies to Stuart MacWilliams on the date of the letter. I am expecting that the two agenda items will be on the upcoming board meeting. If not I expect a leter with Kennth’s signature explaing why they are not on there. Prior to not adding the agenda on purpose I guggest you speak with your own attorney. Feel free to speak with the HOA’s attorney, but not adding those items to the agenda, not negotiating or responding could well mean legal action against HOA and yourself. Expecting to hear from you.
    Mark Adams

  • Mark Adams

    There is a hijacker! Are we all on our way to Havana!! Are they a member of the Red Brigade? Yes you could have met a member of the Red Brigade at the Ramstein AFEES and she was a sweet young thing.

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