
Date: February 4, 2025
Time: 1:31:40 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Gertrude I think the squirrels have had it easy this winter until this past weekend. It would be nice to see some more county plows on the roads. It might be nice to see a plow in here. Hopefully we will not make it to a foot or more before it melts away. Frank I have been pretty quiet on here. Pretty zipped. So you say I am being played how so?
Date: January 6, 2025
Time: 7:10:27 PM
Name(optional): Gertrude
Message: i'm sure glad that we have, got rid of those idiot board members and whay=ts her name Judy and her agenda...please feed your neighborhood squirrels...it's going to be a long winter!
Date: December 27, 2024
Time: 8:09:58 PM
Name(optional): Frank
Message: Mark zip it! You are being played boy!
Date: November 27, 2024
Time: 4:05:48 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Hi Teresa. If you have not received the information and are a member please contact Shelby tge Secretary.
Date: November 27, 2024
Time: 4:04:25 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Hi Teresa I do not know if you are a member, but there is a President, officers and board. Hopefully you have gotten a letter by email or by mail that provided that info. If not you can contact Shelby the HOAs Secretary.
Date: October 24, 2024
Time: 4:30:27 PM
Name(optional): Teresa
Message: Who is the president and is there a contact number to reach this HOA??
Date: October 5, 2024
Time: 4:24:12 PM
Message: From the soup NAZI no pizza for you Ty.
Date: October 2, 2024
Time: 3:58:03 PM
Message: Maybe have a greet and chat with the board for the neighborhood?
Date: October 2, 2024
Time: 3:56:48 PM
Message: I can still do that on Saturday if you all would like that. Say four o'clock. Any requests on tge pizza?
Date: September 17, 2024
Time: 5:44:08 PM
Name(optional): Ty
Message: Hope you provide a couple of Sahara pizza's, soft drinks and some adult beverages!
Date: September 17, 2024
Time: 3:05:06 PM
Message: We maybe in a new age. The tree that fell down maybe taken care of by some board members this Sarirday, hopefully the weather cooperates. I thank the new board for taking care of the matter
Date: August 30, 2024
Time: 3:51:01 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Pedro I do not know what Jamiw wants to do with this website. It is a new board, a new day. Some good signs of perhaps they will be more transparent. I think the new board should insist on treating members the same. If one member has a Facebook page and announcements are posted there the board should make those announcements available to any other member who has a web page and would be open to posting announcements, meeting minutes ect. Since they seem to be interested in having a web site they could go to HOAmanagement.com and set up a web page there. A lot of good management stuff there. A lot of good governance tips, probably suggested rules for the website. Email and proper electronic filing of electronic documents. Yes when officers or board members email or use other electronic messages those are in fact business records. Some that should be attached to board meeting minutes or at least electronically filed for some number of years or forever. Yes there is a HUD complaint that has not been canceled or found frivolous. If this was announced at the meeting by the President that was lie. I have tried contacting the President, sent a letter in June a couple of followup by email and no response. Next is a general e mail to the whole board, followed by a letter, followed by a letter to the attorney, mYbe by myself or my attorney. The board should stop outracising me and chat, take care of the tree the previous ACC cmittee board said would be taken of in the spring. I also expect to see the documents I have requested particularly board meeting minutes. Since I cannot attend board meetings in person due to work it would be nice if the board would move meetings to when I can attend, record the meetings. Or do a pod cast that I could access while I was at work and could listen to the meeting. I additionally suggest the President do his job and respond to my communications, delegate it, or have the HOA attorney speak with me as he cannot have it both ways. He should treat me as any other member particularly those he likes. He is talking to them, he can chat with me.
Date: August 5, 2024
Time: 7:06:26 PM
Name(optional): Pedro
Message: whaaatsupp…delinquents? Heard you have a new board..with one weirdo on it!
Date: April 23, 2024
Time: 5:11:15 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: The board maybe scheming on a way to keep Judith Jones on the board. The site statute is clear on the matter. Non members cannot be on the board. To do this scheme the members would have to approve an illegal by law. Should the members be so silly I will work to get as many non members on the HOAs board as possible maybe we will have a board of non members. Wonder what monstrosities that will create. Bit it will be fun to have folks with. No real obligation on the board to the HOA. The local crime folks will love it. Get their folks on the board to get to the HOA funds and me.bers pocket books.
Date: April 18, 2024
Time: 3:23:20 AM
Message: You board fuckers ready for a Federal Housing Discrimination complaint? You have discriminated lets see the prize you get.
Date: April 18, 2024
Time: 2:46:11 AM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: It is discriminatory that Viv's face book page gets any official announcements from the HOA leadership. Thie unofficial page should receive any posts that Viv receives. The HOA must be fair to all members. If 20 members had websites it would need to supply all 20 the same information or none of them should receive any official information from the HOA. All receive or none receive. Of course if the Bay Ridge Community Club had a web site it would make sense that any posts about times for meetings, minutes, ect would be exclusive tothe web site. Of course members could download information for their personal use or for public comment on their websites. Transparency is good. Also just having a website or posting a notice to a facebook page does not get the HOA out of its obligation to properly inform members of meetings, changes of rules, tapping the reserve funds, all these things require notifying all members who have not opted for electronic notice, and those must be properly notified in some kind of e-mail not just throwing something on some Facebook account. A bulletin board would be more correct than how the board is doing notices since January of this year. That alone could well mean all the business at all meetings thus far this year is null and void because the board has not given proper notice. Also there must be a proper quorum at all board meetings or a judge could find the business null and void. Yes folks there well could be legal stuff going on in the very near future. IE lawsuits because your board is too lazy to do the basics. Maybe the Northern Light willl do its proper job as the fourth estate. Maybe the HOA attorney will do her job have a chat with me, and the President and Secretary whose home will soon close adn they will no longer be members, no longer be President and Secretary nor board members, good riddance.
Date: April 16, 2024
Time: 1:06:02 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: And Judy there are likely to be financial records I want to see, such as the whole legal bill stuff for 2023 and 2024. The legal was $2000 so how much was spent over that? How did it happen? Where did the funds come from? Were funds from the reserve used? Why no notice to the members if so?
Date: April 16, 2024
Time: 12:46:19 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Since Ken and Patty refuse to provide copies of minutes and other records, nor make provide them to the unofficial web site. I do not believe I am welcome at their place. That is where the records and they must make them available to all members during Nirmal business hours. Shall we all go over together and demand they the fucking records. Each and everyone one of you can independently ask to see records or go over to see them. With a closing date in May perhaps some of you will take the records on behalf of the HOA. Ido not what arrangements have been made on the matter. Ethical board members would have resigned when putting the house up for sale. This is what you get with a married couple on the board. Their interests come first. When the President and Secretary are sleeping together they may not see the conflicts of interest. Should the IRS come and do an audit they will take a very hard look at circumstances with a married couple on the board. In this case the couple has used HOA resources to their benefit and I doubt they reported the work paid for by the HOA that BAI did on their property. That is misappropriation otherwise known as theft. The President got up in front of the members and claimed advice from the attorney. One or more members of the board know of no such advice. The man lied. Subsequent he is lying about Stu being removed. There were not enough votes. The man stated they wanted to use proxies so all members could vote on the issue. It should have been ballots as you cannot use proxies to substitute for absentee ballots. Clearly it was a vote of all the members. Therefore it required 43 votes to remove any board member. The Secretary and President have lied in those proposed minutes to their advantage. The day their home closes they are no longer members, they are no longer President and Secretary, no longer board members. They need not show up at any meetings of the board or members after that.
Date: April 15, 2024
Time: 6:28:23 PM
Message: Members, everyone is going to pay what they owe. So, if Judy Jones said you will not be liened or foreclosed on, she does not have the authority to make those decisions as a non member and that will not be the case going forward, deadbeats will no longer be supported!
Date: April 14, 2024
Time: 9:59:01 PM
Message: Ken and Patty FUCK OFF and don’t come back! Don’t forget to pay back the money you stole from the HOA as the next Board will be coming for it!
Date: April 14, 2024
Time: 3:18:09 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: I have received the minutes for the October 19 Special Members meeting. First the business of that meeting has not yet been completed. There were three agenda given out Madam Secretary that should be included as attachments and are not. The minutes are only proposed and are not approved until the members approve them. Roberts Rules of Order that we follow per our by laws state a number of things that must be included. This includes all points of order. i think a listing of the subjects discussed should be there. A discussion on proxies and challenge to the voting procedures. The fact is the President did lie about advice from the attorney during that discusion, at least one board member knew of no advice from the attorney, There were no announced board meetings or special meetings. If there was advice from the attorney you may poduce it Madam Secretary. I would also like to see how Stu McWilliams ended up on the list to be removed. I never submitted his name. Who di? What was the procedure Madam Secretary? Are the board meeting minutes to back this up, gee I would like see those and I have asked for them so produce the, Could you please complete this before your house closes. Thank yoi, Mark Adams.
Date: April 12, 2024
Time: 3:45:10 PM
Message: A present to the HOA of about 10 grand after the sale of a property would go along ways toward covering issues about some property fix ups at the HOAs expense. Maybe the attorney ought to be working on what is in the best interest of the HOA and not its current officers and board members.
Date: April 7, 2024
Time: 6:53:46 PM
Name(optional): Jeff
Message: There used to be pot luck neighborhood get togethers….not anymore….HOA funds needed to be used to fix up the Jamesons and Sobkowhich properties and you all paid for it!! You all will be scratching your heads when a special assessment and raised dues are about to happen and this BOARD is long gone!! WAKE UP MEMBERS!!
Date: April 7, 2024
Time: 2:36:39 PM
Message: A Chicago Hot Dog pot luck in the park or on a cul de sac would be great.
Date: April 3, 2024
Time: 7:13:46 PM
Name(optional): BRCC
Message: All members, you do not have to be current on dues to be present and vote on the annual budget in June. Do not listen to the uninformed ignorant Board that think they know the laws and can dictate who can be present. They are unable to manage themselves!
Date: April 3, 2024
Time: 6:53:18 PM
Name(optional): BRCC
Message: Please disregard any correspondence on a dues increase it has been decided that it remain at $200.00 and a $50.00 credit for attending the Annual meeting in June. We are a Board that was not formally nominated in June 2023 and just assumed members wanted us back. Also we have Judy that is not a member but conveys herself as somebody that has some valid position which is false per the bylaws. Also, anybody past due that has been fed a line per Judy on payment plans…..liens and foreclosure will be a topic in June. Let’s all wish the Jamesons farewell!
Date: April 2, 2024
Time: 7:19:27 PM
Name(optional): Dwight
Message: Hey Board, the wrecking ball is coming out in June….you fucking HOA thieves are done along with the non member!
Date: April 2, 2024
Time: 6:57:01 PM
Name(optional): Mike
Message: Dipshit Ken, doesn’t look like anyone wants to over pay for your “ forever home”….maybe drop it 100k….still will be over priced! Look forward to seeing you in June along with the rest of your buddies!
Date: March 28, 2024
Time: 12:28:28 PM
Message: Video for the board. https://youtu.be/euq4Jl-orts?si=QvTLdOF-AYDijnhF
Date: March 20, 2024
Time: 6:16:42 PM
Message: Can we get the decals or markers and mark all the drains with the salmon decals. This maybe a legal requirement that the drains flowing into salmon habitat or just into the sound be marked.
Date: March 20, 2024
Time: 6:14:53 PM
Message: Could we get the fire department downstate the new fireblanket?
Date: March 17, 2024
Time: 3:22:16 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: At the October special members meeting there was at least one cat call perhaps by a board member that Roberts Rules of Order are merely a suggestions. This is not the case the original by laws and the current by laws clearly state Robert's Rules of Order are to be used when conducting the business of the Bay ridge Community Club. This applies to board meetings, annual meetings, special meetings ect. Following Roberts Rules of Order is the name of the game and are the rules. Robert Rules of Order Chapter 2 Rules of an assembly or Organization 2:18 When a society or an assembly has adopted a particular parliamentary manual---such as this book---as its authority, the rules contained in that manual are binding on it in all cases where they are not inconsistant with the bylaws (or constitution) of the body, any of its special rules of order, or any privisions of local, state, or national law applying to the particular trpe of organization. What another manual may have to say in conflict with the adopted parliamentary authority has no bearing on the case. In matters on which an organizations adopted authority is silent, provisions in other works on parliamentary law may be persuasive---that is, they may carry weight in the adsensce of overring reasons for following a different course---but they are not binding on the body. Simply since Roberts Rules of Orders since adopted are not merely suggestions, they are the way to do business and cannot be ignored. Failure to not follow the rules can perk the notice of a judge and jury in a court room. I suggest the board begin some courses on the proper use of RROO. That it arrange for a parliamentarian to come present tot he board and members about the proper use and how to use Roberts Rules of Order. I suggest each board member and officer obtain a copy of roberts Rules of Order, perhaps even paid for by the coroporation. Certaininly the Chair should have a copy and have sid copy available at meetings. The board may also appoint a parliamentarian to assist the Chair in the proper use of Roberts Rules of Order. Simply folks this organization has adopted the rules since its inception and there should be a good faith effort by members, board members officers, to follow them. Or you may try to persuade members to remove the rules from the by laws but what will the organization adopt instead?
Date: March 15, 2024
Time: 12:53:39 PM
Message: https://youtu.be/3EbYSCV1i5o?si=2CVQCDjC4PQ9Mb66
Date: March 15, 2024
Time: 12:28:56 PM
Message: https://youtu.be/ja4SBOD-iLY?si=fc0pz1AOm2fnNbsF
Date: March 15, 2024
Time: 12:26:58 PM
Message: https://youtu.be/tUeNyCdO9oQ?si=T_vihxIIoggq3mQR
Date: March 15, 2024
Time: 12:22:09 PM
Message: https://youtu.be/1kD_lDxm1-8?si=l9E7DekarGn9vxhB
Date: March 15, 2024
Time: 12:09:16 PM
Message: https://youtu.be/BfxFu2LfWf0?si=BPBGNMriZGNtN1vP
Date: March 9, 2024
Time: 4:53:50 PM
Name(optional): Concerned Member
Message: Looks like Ken Jameson and his mom Patty are pulling a Tim Springstead “ let’s say we’re moving ask more than our dump is worth…and we are still here!” Members, never forget these unelected board members spent 50k on needless projects of which 10k was spent improving their personal property and Tyler Sobkowich’s property thanks to Members funds and Judy Jones being complicit in stealing our money. They also spent over 12k to theHOA attorney of your HOA money defending their bias opinion and getting you all to drink the “cool aid” wake up Members! Let’s file a lien before they skip out!
Date: March 7, 2024
Time: 4:51:12 PM
Message: Mariners baseball time!! A tent with a big screen TV needs to be set yp in the middle of the East Shoreview cul de sac so members can watch Mariner spring training games and regular season games. Pop some popcorn. Bring peanuts. Help build community spirit!
Date: February 25, 2024
Time: 5:10:14 PM
Message: Each board member needs to buy a copy of Robert's Rules of Order, or at least a cheat guide. Doubt there is a current edition between the board members or even owned by the HOA.
Date: February 21, 2024
Time: 7:49:23 PM
Message: Cancel tomorrow nights alleged HOA board meeting. Reschedule and provide all members proper notice. Cannot get the day off because I cannot show employer there is a meeting. Follow the law guys and gals of the board as you obligated to do.
Date: February 21, 2024
Time: 7:33:52 PM
Message: Highland Sword Dancing festival in the park 2024!! Square Dancinf at Bay Ridge in the Park 2024!!!
Date: February 21, 2024
Time: 7:24:17 PM
Message: Bay Ridge Hippi Fest in the park 2024!! Bay Ridge Cool Fest and all that jazz in the park 2024!!! Bay Ridge country and western hoe down 2024 in the park!!!
Date: February 7, 2024
Time: 1:15:40 PM
Message: The HOA could setbup and available to members an HOA victory garden. It would be simple to set up. Members get up to some number of square...maybe a hundred square. ThecHOA designates the plots makes reasonable rules. HOA might roto till. But does not have too. Members with a green thumb get to plant their flowers, vegatables, or even the wildwood flower. Little work, but our board and some volunteers can do it. And if war break out we will be ahead of the curb, and we will have rotten vegetables to throw at politicians. Everybody wins.
Date: February 6, 2024
Time: 7:05:18 PM
Message: You're right, the board should not use facebook, Communist TikTok would be a better place to run things!
Date: February 6, 2024
Time: 7:03:28 PM
Name(optional): fuckbojiden
Date: February 5, 2024
Time: 4:13:39 AM
Message: Our board should not be on Facebook. Southpark (a reputable source) has stated Facebook spreads disinformation and is cousing children to deffeacate on antelpe!! And Facebook sucks.
Date: February 3, 2024
Time: 1:40:35 AM
Message: At the next board meeting a rousing rendition of Tom Leah's "We will all go together" shall be performed.
Date: February 3, 2024
Time: 1:29:08 AM
Message: We need a commubity bulletin board in the park. This so meeting notices can be properly posted. They should be mailed to all members who have not signed up for electronic notice.
Date: February 3, 2024
Time: 1:26:19 AM
Message: Each member of the board clearly needs Pocket version of Robert Rules of Order. Do you need big or small print?
Date: January 23, 2024
Time: 12:12:21 AM
Message: Ode for Ken https://youtu.be/gMdcE8jdz70?si=rz0YP7ZzRj6_vyJZ
Date: January 22, 2024
Time: 2:36:48 PM
Message: Noah had issues with his HOA: New Eden Estates. Run by giants and unicorns.
Date: January 22, 2024
Time: 2:31:31 PM
Message: Jamie is building an ark.
Date: January 20, 2024
Time: 8:34:36 PM
Message: Could raise be like the village are we but numbers to our leaders. I am notca number. https://youtu.be/osNmf_zmSyE?si=76VbkqRmLoQ0YRPn
Date: January 19, 2024
Time: 12:18:28 PM
Message: Thanks Frank that is a great national Geographic.
Date: January 19, 2024
Time: 12:00:29 AM
Name(optional): Frank
Message: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qRxNYuR2c4
Date: January 18, 2024
Time: 11:59:11 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Jeffrey seeing me in a pink tutu, that must have been a scary sight. ARE YOU FEEDING YOUR HEAD? https://youtu.be/i8dRHr2YPc0?si=ZHAg47TYiwwnKroS
Date: January 18, 2024
Time: 11:42:08 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: I did not get one of Africa's most dangerous mammals. Maybe next year. You missed the real point that I am fine with there being chickens and miniature pigs in the HOA. The rules ate outdated and say no livestock. Do not mention service animals or companion animals. The car and r and architectural governing documents need to be updated in this area. Only the members can do that. The board could do the appropriate proposal, or they can enforce the rules as they are is. Theor choice. Since I got no hippo not really my problem.
Date: January 18, 2024
Time: 11:35:28 PM
Message: For Framk smd Kenneth. https://youtu.be/I1583adUqSg?si=grgkMVSLU4GFWS7w At least the NAZIs could clear the streets of s.ow.
Date: January 18, 2024
Time: 6:40:55 PM
Name(optional): M.A
Message: Tyler, how come you and your buddy Ken have not been out clearing snow and blowing! That’s right, if you don’t have any personal gratification, why bother? Made for each other!
Date: January 18, 2024
Time: 6:25:32 PM
Name(optional): Jeffery
Message: Hey Mark Adams, how are you and your hippo? Been reading your suggestions and you are not playing with a full deck. I have seen you dancing around in a pink tutu on your deck…what’s with that…put it on the hippopotamus!
Date: January 18, 2024
Time: 5:37:00 PM
Name(optional): Bud
Message: Howdy neighbors to the North, Bud from the Village checking in. What happened to your new website? Too cheap to buy bandwidth and pay a little extra for security? That’s what happens when you have birdbrains in control…same thing over here! Anyhoo, I used your dugout during the Summer for swims and I am planning on popping over to do some ice skating, as we are not allowed to do anything fun in the village unless we pay!
Date: January 18, 2024
Time: 2:05:39 PM
Message: Was mail delivered yesterday and today? Not sure the post office has sent out their trusty mail carriers I. This inclement weather, if so it could we will not see any mail because our service has been suspended until the roads are cleared or this ice and snow melts. Board will have an opportunity to record how our flooding efforts are panning out. It would be a nice addition if we could get one of them blue mail boxes.
Date: January 18, 2024
Time: 12:35:06 PM
Name(optional): Snow Clearing
Message: Why have the roads not been plowed? Why are the dues not going towards something that benefits all members? Why support this Board as they are not competent to take care of the simple little things! Some neighbors they are!
Date: January 18, 2024
Time: 12:24:38 AM
Message: have some laughs...see differences between Army mentality to Air Force, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvvWJ1rsaEM
Date: January 17, 2024
Time: 7:48:48 PM
Message: Snowball fight in the park for rhe kids.colred snowballs.
Date: January 17, 2024
Time: 6:06:04 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: It would be reasonable for the board to have an emergency meeting due to the weather. Are you all acknowledging you do not have quorum to conduct any business. Easy fix since there were not enough votes from all the members to remove ant member at the last special membership meeting. Some of think the current is not operating in good faith, and not conducting in the interest of the members. A little snow removal should be done in the current conditions I had to have my lead come to my house and pick me up so I could work today. Some action by the board could begin to restore some faith in the board.
Date: January 17, 2024
Time: 2:54:15 AM
Message: Snowman maybe you and Frank can persuade the board to do something on plowing the HOAs streets. Could more than 4 inches...maybe 10...maybe more. Personally I was hoping for a green winter. Oh well that dream has now been crushed, and all the kids going to Blaine are very happy while their parents maybe less than thrilled. Is it OK if they throw snowballs at you and Frank?
Date: January 17, 2024
Time: 2:22:38 AM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Frank Since you got all that vim and vigor put it to good use this morning and plow the roads. Get a new nickname Bulldozer Frank. Work off that steam dude. Thanks and the HOA residents will thank you.
Date: January 17, 2024
Time: 2:19:20 AM
Message: How about an audit of the HOA.
Date: January 13, 2024
Time: 4:03:29 AM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Not my hole it is all the members hole. The issue came up at the annual meeting so the board was made aware then. Over 6 months later there is still a hole, probably a larger and more expensive hole to repair. Maybe by the upcoming annual meeting it may be repaired.
Date: January 12, 2024
Time: 4:11:22 PM
Name(optional): Frank
Message: You can bring up your hole issue at the next board meeting TBA. Until then, that’s it, have a great day.
Date: January 12, 2024
Time: 11:17:11 AM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: On the hole at the entrance off Birch Bay Point Rd. Per Chaz Vender of the county roads since the hole is outside of the right of way the HOA is responsible for the pavement. The HOA is responsible to any repair or however the HOA wants to handle it. Would the HOA please repair the hole once it warms up. And before you all birch I and every member is a Whatcom county tax payer so I am within my rights to inquire. Just fix the hole.
Date: January 12, 2024
Time: 11:12:07 AM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Frank what is a board hearing? I have not been given a violation. Also you are a lazy fuck, just as the current board members, a little self education is required of those in charge. Might save the HOA thousands of dollars. If you have in your bylaws we go bt Robert's Rules of Order on those things not in our bylaws that matters. If we do not then why don't you propose to change the bylaws removing it. Take the power away from the members. They may go along.
Date: January 12, 2024
Time: 8:28:10 AM
Name(optional): Frank
Message: Mark, I unfortunately do not have the time to watch youtube videos all day. As you are the person most vocal on the unofficial website on how to run a HOA, maybe requesting a Board Hearing per the bylaws would be of more value.
Date: January 12, 2024
Time: 2:19:11 AM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Since Robert's Rules of Order is in the HOA by laws, the use of proxies is prohibited. The vote from the members meeting should be counted deleting all proxies.https://youtu.be/NyT5c5wMv10?si=sB8Clhpzh9EX6r_A
Date: January 12, 2024
Time: 12:48:35 AM
Message: Frank and the board and members here is some Robert's Rules of Order info for your perusal. https://youtu.be/r2tvQVdk96A?si=h9qjXk_GLxZFj4eT
Date: January 12, 2024
Time: 12:08:07 AM
Message: Free mail boxes for everyone. How about one of them blue nostalgic boxes for outgoing mail.
Date: January 12, 2024
Time: 12:07:29 AM
Message: What are the messages on facebook? There have been three in the last month, yet not all members of the HOA aer on FACEBOOK. Maybe putting mesages for members that are on FACEBOOK also on here would be more useful.
Date: January 11, 2024
Time: 4:49:35 PM
Name(optional): Frank
Message: If you and these bastards and bitches are going to play this I will not play nice in the sandbox. You just pointed out the President actions are wrong. All members have the right to see the Financials, to see the minutes. If they cannot figure out what is going on. Çould be fraud and board and officers putting money in their pocket. And whatever you are seeing document wise every other member can see. So please share.
Date: January 11, 2024
Time: 4:34:09 PM
Name(optional): Frank
Message: Mark, I’m not at liberty to divulge how or who pays for what in the HOA. Even if you view the financials, you will have a hard time pinpointing the information you are always fishing for, or the false accusations you throw around with your friends. I think you need your mouth washed out with soap, you rude little man! Play nice in the HOA sandbox and be an upstanding member.
Date: January 11, 2024
Time: 4:26:16 PM
Name(optional): Frank
Message: Mark, he payed for the letter with HOA funds. Who wants to waste their own money sending meaningless letters?
Date: January 11, 2024
Time: 1:26:23 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Frank do you know if the President paid for that attorney letter ect out of his pocket as he should have or with HOA funds. I think I may do a response letter and the HOA ought to pay my postage. I guess that would not be playing by your perceived HOA rules. If so you know you go Jack off and at least you will feel good.
Date: January 11, 2024
Time: 12:43:14 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Frank when you spoke to Snowman (HOA President or board member) to have a snowplow on standby to clear the communities roads from snow if necessary. Such an action would put some of that hot air to good use.
Date: January 11, 2024
Time: 12:26:27 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Frank at this point Ithink you are full of hot air. Are you making a threat or not? I do not know who you are, so I a. Not going to get me a trench sweeper. Or call the Sheriff as you toeing the line, so how about a lot number and a whole name. Make it easy for the Sheriff deputy to find as making a complaint to the Sheriff is what good citizens do. I think you are a blowhard. So go blow.
Date: January 11, 2024
Time: 12:14:16 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Frank I would like to keep things civil. Still I have to laugh at you. You upset with the people and you are upset with me. I am open to dissolving the HOA, because members are not getting much, and I suppose cheap bastards like you are more worried about that are fine though there is not much in the kitty to improve property values or even to do the little the HOA is supposed to do. So I do not have your vote. Why not what do you want to happen as,a member? Threatening me is not going to get you what you want. General Patton said a soldier who won't fuck will not fight. Well I like to fuck. So you can come for pizza, a fuck, or a fight. Should I invest in a trench sweeper. I frankly do not know who you are and if
Date: January 10, 2024
Time: 8:05:53 PM
Name(optional): Frank
Message: I don’t listen to music and I don’t dance but would like to meet you out behind the woodshed, Mark. You need to comply with our HOA, where else would you get nothing for paying next to nothing. Snowman told me you are running for a Board position…..good luck with getting any members to listen to your incoherent mumbo jumbo, you are likely going to get Robert’s Rules of Order 12th Edition..hard copy, shoved where the sun don’t shine, as Oct 19th did not do you any favors!! Pizza at your place on the weekend was probably a soggy mess! Please don’t invite me or my friends to any future get together’s, you don’t have my vote to be on the Board, you are likely going to be worse than what we are dealing with now!
Date: January 9, 2024
Time: 3:59:06 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Frank this is for you and your buds https://youtu.be/yWCcLW08dsU?si=CwnHu4TUvPT0WOhl Thank you Reverand Peyton
Date: January 8, 2024
Time: 1:23:12 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Not much snow and likely to turn to rain later today. Might be good though if some salt or sand were laid down on the roads maybe a plow contacted. Guess there is even a technique of removal involving dragging. A t iron. Heck even motorcycle can do that. Rent Tyler a plow, though I suspect he will want to be paid hours for any work. Could there be a conflict of interest. Not on our board since they do not know what that could be. Mussolini got the trains running on time. At least our group of fascist dictators can keep the roads clear later this week and the rest of the winter.
Date: January 8, 2024
Time: 1:15:01 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Frank since you claim to be a member of our HOA shuffle dance group when you all going to do a video or a recital? Looking forward to that. Since you are in good could you please forward the minutes of meetings and please keep us informed of meetings and shuffle dance practices. Thanks
Date: January 7, 2024
Time: 3:19:43 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Frank it was really good pizza. You missed out dude.
Date: January 7, 2024
Time: 3:18:43 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Hey Frank it was really good pizza you missed out dude.
Date: January 6, 2024
Time: 5:26:28 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Frank pizza will be here about 18:15. I have information that there are things happening with WTA on the pothole at the front entrance. I want to say thank you to the person spear heading the effort. I do not know if they want their name mentioned,, still thank you.
Date: January 6, 2024
Time: 3:56:06 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Frank I will be doing pizza in my office later. Want a slice? You can find out who the he'll I am. Maybe be a merry man. We do not have to agree to be civil or openly discuss the matters of the day or the HOA.
Date: January 6, 2024
Time: 3:51:49 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Thank you Judy that is how I read the governing documents. One should put a request in with the architectural committee before installing? I am not sure I'd the rest of the board is in agreement. If so the first step to updating our governing docs should be easy and a proposal can go to the members.
Date: January 6, 2024
Time: 3:47:02 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Frank you are not on the board. At this time you are a member like me and we have the same rights, duties, ect. We are equ in every way. The fact is I expect the board to follow the laws of the US. State of WA, the bylaws of BRCC. I expect it to have a real quorum, and not do business if it dies not. This board containing 4 members and a married couple does not. If they hold meetings they run the risk any business being found null and void by a court and being found liable for their actions and paying out of their pockets. I expect them to announce all meetings of the board and those meetings be open to all members of the HOA. Except executive sessions that are limited. I expect records be available to all me.bers as per Washington RCWs. I expect the announced agenda at a meeting will be completed at the meeting or after a recess. The agenda of the past members meeting has not been completed. The removal of Stuart McWilliam was not proper and there were not enough votes to remove him. The members should have been given the opportunity to fill the open board position at that meeting.Now Frank you can go fill that position right now rather xeowing you are more than just a member like me. The kitchen is plenty warm have fun.
Date: January 6, 2024
Time: 1:36:06 AM
Name(optional): Neighbor
Message: Mark, maybe Dipshit with the riding lawn mower can get a plow put on that thing and make himself useful for once 🤣 Instead of driving in circles and doing 20 point turns in his tiny ass lawn
Date: January 5, 2024
Time: 9:46:55 PM
Name(optional): Gertrude
Message: Hi Squirrel friends, our little buddies are still out there gathering up whatever they can to survive, a lot like these current Board members including JJ who is a verifiable liar and has done nothing as a non member in this HOA’s best interest unless she could personally benefit from it. Let’s officially vote in a Board that knows right from wrong when we entitle them to be in charge of our dues that we pay and can make adult decisions!
Date: January 5, 2024
Time: 9:14:48 PM
Name(optional): KJ
Message: Happy New Year, followers. We are super busy trying to understand why the new website at your cost is non existent and will cost a lot more before it appears, sorry for sending out the sign up in the mailer, we never verified that we had a legitimate website, remember we are a shuffled in Board as you know who ever attended in June, we believe if 15 verifiable members out of 85 have an opinion then we will act and spend HOA funds to make it happen! Please don’t worry, we have your best interests…front and center! Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to help out you delinquents?
Date: January 5, 2024
Time: 8:23:17 PM
Name(optional): Frank
Message: Adams, quit with the demand's, who the hell are you? We don’t need to comply with your endless incoherent requests as we bring so much value to this HOA that we will all be shuffled back in as we know what is best for BRCC and you!
Date: January 5, 2024
Time: 8:12:43 PM
Name(optional): Judy
Message: Yes, solar panels are allowed in our HOA. Yes, clothes lines are permitted, not officially in the documents. If you are hanging out your underpants then I suggest putting up a flagpole!
Date: January 5, 2024
Time: 8:09:24 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: I demand the scheduling of a special members meeting to complete unfinished business of the 19 October 2023 special members meeting. Ie an election or elections. Or recounts ect.
Date: January 5, 2024
Time: 8:04:36 PM
Name(optional): Frank
Message: Mr Adams, you and your friends enjoy your pizza ( highly recommend Westside, that’s what I order when I have to sleep in the garage) as I will be on pothole patrol all weekend. Hope it doesn’t snow as I haven’t a foggy idea what we can do to help out paying members to drive out of here, the Board has over spent the approved budget on the personal vendetta that the wife says we need to win at all costs! We will keep raising dues to offset these costs, hang in there!
Date: January 5, 2024
Time: 7:55:48 PM
Message: Are solar panels cool in the neighborhood? No rules in the cc and r's. Could save members some serious coin. So would cloths lines.
Date: January 5, 2024
Time: 7:39:19 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Is that a pot hole in Bay Ridge? We will be open to merry folks of Ridge forest all winter, spring and summer and beyond. Down with the naughty Sheriff.
Date: January 5, 2024
Time: 6:43:41 PM
Name(optional): Frank
Message: Hi Mark, I’m busy this weekend, trying to fix potholes, may have to google it or ask the wife or get on Nextdoor as I'm clueless.
Date: January 5, 2024
Time: 2:58:55 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Hi Frank. Some pizza my place. Saturday talk about your ditch. Come join a merry band. We will not be wearing tights, and the local version of Sherwood forest is small. No need to bring a Kings deer. If you have the need drop that off at Sir Jameson's house.
Date: January 4, 2024
Time: 11:35:47 PM
Message: Bay Ridge Community Club should have a board of nonmembers and non dues osying members. That is the best kind of board.
Date: January 3, 2024
Time: 2:30:40 PM
Message: There is a large pothole at the entrance. It will only get deeper and wider with time. It is aching for the dick and balls treatment. The artistic question being erect or flaccid. Please repair now!!!!
Date: January 3, 2024
Time: 1:45:53 AM
Message: Ground Hog day is in a month. Gotta invite a ground hog to our park to see if it sees it shadow.
Date: January 3, 2024
Time: 1:39:01 AM
Message: Block party!! Gotta invite William Shatner!!
Date: January 3, 2024
Time: 1:34:27 AM
Message: So chickens and pigs are cool now? How about peacocks for the community.
Date: January 3, 2024
Time: 1:33:30 AM
Message: How about some board meeting minutes that can be posted here.
Date: January 3, 2024
Time: 1:32:37 AM
Message: When is the county going to install those big storm systems at the entrances?
Date: January 3, 2024
Time: 1:30:45 AM
Message: Show us the proposed annual maintenance on the HOA stormwater was completed.
Date: January 3, 2024
Time: 1:29:36 AM
Message: Protect the endangered squirrels of the community.
Date: January 3, 2024
Time: 1:28:25 AM
Message: Looking forward to playing on the tennis court. Or the pickle ball court. The board has an obligation to maintain the HOAs amenities. The county says you should refurbish the courts. The count says do it.
Date: January 2, 2024
Time: 4:51:35 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: I have not seen anything as to when the canceled board meeting has been rescheduled. I know the board gets these messages though they be ignored. I do not see anything in the governing documents stating when board meetings are to be scheduled, for some reasons Thursday is when meetings get scheduled. I do not know why. I would suggest board meetings and the like be moved to Saturdays when more members could attend. I am also cool with Thursday dvenings at midnight, and I can provide the venue. Since you just canceled hours before that means that there be the required notice..I think that is a minimum of 10 days.
Date: December 28, 2023
Time: 6:12:02 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: And minutes are required.
Date: December 28, 2023
Time: 4:32:42 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: You cannot just cancel a board meeting just hours before. It is a very nice day. The chair should show up and announce there is no quorum. So and so is sick. Reschedule the meeting perhaps. If 17 or members are there they may have an unscheduled members meeting.
Date: December 23, 2023
Time: 3:23:46 PM
Message: Kiddies NORAD has received Santa's flight plan. He will arrive at the Bay Ridge Community Club as per the flight plan A big finger is given to any classification of the old elfs craft being a drone and a second that some board members they control America's skies.
Date: December 20, 2023
Time: 11:48:56 PM
Name(optional): Bill Murray
Message: You guys ought to have a block party this year for the annual meeting. Maybe have the Ox mud wrestle. fun times for all.Martinis and beer for the aults and root beer and hot dogs for the kids.
Date: December 20, 2023
Time: 2:31:08 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Since the board meeting has not been canceled I hope some intrepid member will go and when the chair tries to state they have a quorum tell them they do not have a quorum because two board me.bers are married and they form a block that is 50 percent and the other board members have no opportunity to secure a majority without a fifth member on the board. The board can hold the meeting at the board members risk.
Date: December 20, 2023
Time: 12:52:02 AM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Stuart was not removed at the special members meetings. There ws neither a majority of member of the HOA voting to remove him, not 66percent of the members at the meeting. Stu should still be on the board as there were3 insufficient votes to remove him or any other board member. Here is the statute: RCW 64.90.520 Officers and board members—Removal. (1) Unit owners present in person, by proxy, or by absentee ballot at any meeting of the unit owners at which a quorum is present may remove any board member and any officer elected by the unit owners, with or without cause, if the number of votes in favor of removal cast by unit owners entitled to vote for election of the board member or officer proposed to be removed is at least the lesser of (a) a majority of the votes in the association held by such unit owners or (b) two-thirds of the votes cast by such unit owners at the meeting, but: (i) A board member appointed by the declarant may not be removed by a unit owner vote during any period of declarant control; (ii) A board member appointed under RCW 64.90.420(3) may be removed only by the person that appointed that member; and (iii) The unit owners may not consider whether to remove a board member or officer at a meeting of the unit owners unless that subject was listed in the notice of the meeting. (2) At any meeting at which a vote to remove a board member or officer is to be taken, the board member or officer being considered for removal must have a reasonable opportunity to speak before the vote. (3) At any meeting at which a board member or officer is removed, the unit owners entitled to vote for the board member or officer may immediately elect a successor board member or officer consistent with this chapter. (4) The board may, without a unit owner vote, remove from the board a board member or officer elected by the unit owners if (a) the board member or officer is delinquent in the payment of assessments more than sixty days and (b) the board member or officer has not cured the delinquency within thirty days after receiving notice of the board's intent to remove the board member or officer. Unless provided otherwise by the governing documents, the board may remove an officer elected by the board at any time, with or without cause. The removal must be recorded in the minutes of the next board meeting. [ 2018 c 277 § 325.] If you wish to go by the RCW as the by laws it is the majority orf members of a non profit organization. Not a majority at a meeting. The board is obligated by its duty of obedience to acknowledge a mistake was made and Stuart MacWilliams is back on the board per the laws of Washington state.
Date: December 19, 2023
Time: 5:36:19 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Looking at the by laws and governing statute there were not enough votes to remove any director from the board. It is not a majority of the mbers present at the meeting, but of the members. There are 85 lots therefore 85 members so 43 votes to remove are required. The number of votes to re.ove Stuart McWilliams is bow that therefore he is still on the board. Also the President lied about the advice the board or he had received from the attorney. I haveca letter from having to ask the attorney for the advice HD said he had gotten from the attorney prior ro the members meeting on October 19th. If that had bee. The truth he si.ply should have produced the advice he claimed he had The man lied in front of 35 members. He and the board failed to properly do the vote at the special members meeting for President Kenneth Jameson personal interests a d corruption. Immediaty reinstate Stuart, and since you never gave notice reinstate Jamie.
Date: December 19, 2023
Time: 1:00:58 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: How much is our white elephant of a park. I have spoken with a realtor and with the county and it really depends. It could be worth a million or 2 or 3 hundred thousand. Depends o. How many. Homes could be put on the property. It is zoned 4 homes to an acre. A natural resource report would have to be done, since a portion could be wetland, such a report would need to be done to put a club house I. Or a picnic shelter or even to repair the tennis court. A discussion on its future should happen. Is the community club going to make use of the resource for the recreational needs and enjoyment of members? Sell it? Maybe give it the county to develop as a county park?
Date: December 19, 2023
Time: 12:50:08 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Why would a board schedule a meeting in the middle of the holidays. They are tone deaf seven day Adventists. Maybe, they do not want pesky members at the meeting. They could be planning to discuss the reserve. They took money out and never sent out the notices. Now they are up against the deadline to replace what was taken out, meaning an assessment is coming to members. Ouch. They are planning skullduggery. Notice how there has not been any follow up notification and that members really need to be there. I unfortunately will be working, so.e of you will be doing the same, but hopefully some of you will take time out of your holidays and go to the meeting. It could be they are such overworked volunteer amateurs they are hooking us up with a manager. Why there is anything in the bylaws about a manager I do not know. Does not need to be there Maybe the attorney would really like the board to hire their person. Could be members at the meeting that approved the new bylaws just created the conditions the board can bypass the members and do a manager with little or no input from members. Or the whole paragraph is not needed as boards can hire a manager per the RCW's. Pricey and dues will go up. Where is the manager going to work? Will we build a hut or a clubhouse for the manager? Will they work out of their car? Will a board member just rent space out of their house for the manager. Could Judy be the manager? When boards are not transparent it engenders distrust of members. The current board wants to deflect from. Their actions and blame others for the boards ineffective leadership and poor management, and lack of duty of obedience, duty of care, duty of loyalty.
Date: December 18, 2023
Time: 1:53:09 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Minutes of all board meetings announced or unannounced since May should be posted immediately on the official or unofficial websites. If not this is an official request for documents. Please give me a time to copy them or provide them. I have asked for a copy of the contract between Belcher Swanson and the HOA, any board minutes or other information of a special members meeting in 2006..this means whatever wad found in some box before the 19 Oct special members meeting. Whatever advice the attorney provided the HOA on proxies and ballot voting. Redact if necessary. Anything else I have asked to see.
Date: December 18, 2023
Time: 1:46:59 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Is there really going to be a board meeting on December 28 at the Blaine library. If not now is the time to cancel. There are reasons to cancel a board meeting the day of, usually really bad weather. Could happen two feet of snow and no plowing of the HOA roads could mean members cannot get there. Too bad we do not have a clubhouse or even a picnic shelter as a community focal point. Such amenities could raise property values. After all the HOA pays for taxes and grass mowing on the park property. Why not some playground equipment. I also demand copies of all board meetings sinceayannounced and unannounced.
Date: December 14, 2023
Time: 1:45:55 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Please pay your dues. If you fail to pay any HOA can take your house in 90 days. If you do not pay your dues in our HOA you lose your vote and maybe your rights to use the tennis court. There is the rub dues are meant to maintain the roads, the ditches. Culverts, cisterns and amenities. In most HOAs and Condos fees are collected and these things are not maintained. This maybe why some will not pay dues, or flooding, ect. I feel you, but please pay your dues. I am upset with the current leadership, they are not reasonable, cannot do the basics well such as having unannounced meetings, no minutes available or given on request. Ect. You should not lose your vote when in arrears, per the by laws you do. So members may want to insist that be changed. If you owe the county money you do not lose your right to vote, that would be wrong and would be considered a poll tax. I will work to make sure you do not lose your vote. Yes you will have to pay dues. I do. Sensible management should mean flooding if caused by the system does not happen. Tennis courts ect are routinely maintained, a playground is put in, a clubhouse or at least a picnic shelter is put in the white elephant park, contract with the attorney is followed, legal action will only be commenced with the entire board, attorney is not likely to be at members meetings unless they are a member or there to give advice to the board. Note it is the board that is advised, not the President. You may send a demand letter to the registered agent and will not get a bill from the HOA. You may write to the attorney. I will work with our legislators to enact laws protecting your rights. I will strive to be reasonable. If one board member is removed, and another is clearly not kosher, both will be given a chance to rectify their situation in 60 days and only then face removal...and if neither correct I will insist both be removed or neither.
Date: December 12, 2023
Time: 1:23:46 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Hi Frank I hear some digging happened in your ditch. Was it enough or will there be more work needed and maybe they will get to it before the digging done fills in?
Date: December 12, 2023
Time: 12:48:50 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: During the recent rains East Shoreview had some minor pooling at the cul de sac end. The cistern in the swale that was not replaced worked fine. It gurgle happily during the rains. The ditch at the northe east side of the corner however filled up and eventually went across the road. Someone should look at that situation and determine if there is just too much water coming off the upper property than the system can handle without a significant investment or if a culvert needs to be cleared or a ditch cleared. Has. The county announced when it will put in the culvert at either entrance to the community?
Date: December 12, 2023
Time: 12:33:01 PM
Message: The Panthers are among you. We walk with our brothers Martin Luther King and Carmiceal We are one with the Members. The members seek righteous justice. They demand the board be washed of the corrupt poisons now preventing this board from building community and damaging its relationship from the members. The members see and have begun mistrusting this board. This board in fairness should allow Jamie Owen's back on. This board should correct the ballot vote and remove all proxies from. The count and reinstate Stuart McWilliams. Two members of the board should repay the Bay Ridge Community Club for cisterns they had installed at community expense. The President should appoint a proper architectural committee's as required by the by laws and governing documents. Other committee's should be formed with other communities members on them to assist the board and build a team of potential future community leaders. Panthers unite. We are among you! We are you!
Date: December 12, 2023
Time: 12:20:55 PM
Date: December 12, 2023
Time: 12:49:54 AM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Earlier this fall I had a tree behind my property that is in the green area. The tree and five foot stump are both on HOA property. Because it is me I have not gotten permission to do something with the fallen tree, and the CCR committee insisted on bids and they have yet to sign a contract with the winning bid. If someone would like some firewood as far as I am concerned you can cut it up and take the wood. Just get the permission of the bard or CCR folks. Not my tree follks so as far as I am concerned it can stay right there. It is not hurting me and the birds and wild life like it just fine. If you can get permission to take the wood from the powers that be, just need when you would be here to the work, no big problem with someone going across my yard to get to the fallen tree.
Date: December 12, 2023
Time: 12:39:54 AM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: I suggest the board members read this article. https://www.natlawreview.com/article/one-these-things-not-other-proxies-written-ballots-and-electronic-voting The last paragraph states: "Conclusion Proxies, written ballots, and electronic voting are useful tools for an association that fully understands the differences and mechanics of each method. These voting tools each contain their own nuances, which if not followed properly can result in pitfalls. Just remember: proxies cannot co-exist with written ballots and electronic voting—it is an either-or proposition. The consequence of unauthorized association action has the potential to open an association up to liability and/or invalidate association action, so it is critical that an association work with its attorney to ensure whatever member voting method is selected, complies with the association's governing documents and NC Law. " I am of the opinion that President Kenneth Jameson lied to the members at the 19 October 2023 meeting. I have reason to believe no advice was given to the board by the association President. Thus far the association President has denied the member removed from the board a recount or other action. In fact he has gone so far as to suggest the member sue the association, I think the member should sue, and members should be concerned that their association voting rights were abused. Please attend the upcoming board meeting 28 December 2023 and see if the board has a discussion on the matter. Yes President Jameson is a liar and did so solely for his own personal benefit. He seems unable to realize the board with a married couple needs five members to have a quorum. Te board will likely insist there is a quorum, at the risk any business can be cahllenged as null and void as no quorum was present. The meeting is likely to be cancelled, but members should attend anyway and if there isa membership quorum take charge. Power to the members. Power to the members! Panther power! Looking forward to the minutes from the special members meeting.
Date: December 11, 2023
Time: 9:12:21 PM
Name(optional): Bud
Message: I would recommend taking action against your Board after they are out of office and are no longer covered by Directors and Officer insurance paid by the membership. let them try and use their homeowners insurance which will not cover their actions on a HOA Board and will personably leave your corrupt Board liable…sucks to be a volunteer.
Date: December 11, 2023
Time: 7:36:56 PM
Name(optional): Stu M
Message: I think we all should look at our HOA reserve fund that has been depleted by over 60% and understand what is left and if this will cover an emergency situation to BRCC. This current Board and their self interests and personal spending have put us in a situation where a Special Assessment could be in the works for all 85 members. This Board is negligent in providing a required Reserve Study that all members are entitled to and can use to budget for future expenses. Rest assured a future Board will recoup the money that this current Board have helped themselves too, to improve their own properties on your nickel without complying to Governing Documents.Never once did this Board announce to the membership their conflict of interest intentions... just slipped it in with other unneeded work hoping we wouldn't notice..guaranteed this issue will not be forgotten! Hopefully we can prevent this from happening again by voting in our trustworthy neighbors!
Date: December 11, 2023
Time: 6:31:20 PM
Name(optional): Stu M
Message: Jameson's, why are you and the Board standing behind and engaging our HOA attorney at members expense to validate a voting mistake that took place Oct 19th 2023. You need to accept that it happened and the 2 proxies in question can not be counted unless it is your intention to cheat and put your fraudulent spin on it, you also have falsely mailed out final results to members all while knowing there was a challenge underway. You and the Board need to accept this contested vote or schedule a Special Meeting to address and conduct a valid re-vote.
Date: December 11, 2023
Time: 12:58:03 AM
Name(optional): Mark Aams
Message: Community associations’ records must generally be made available for examination and copying by all owners, holders of mortgages on the properties, and their respective authorized agents during reasonable business hours or at a mutually convenient time and location and at the offices of the association or its managing agent. However, records retained by associations must have the following information redacted or otherwise removed prior to disclosure: 1) personnel and medical records relating to specific individuals, 2) contracts, leases, and other commercial transactions to purchase or provide goods or services currently being negotiated, 3) existing or potential litigation or mediation, arbitration, or administrative proceedings, 4) existing or potential matters involving federal, state, or local administrative or other formal proceedings before a governmental tribunal for enforcement of the governing documents, 5) legal advice or communications that are otherwise protected by the attorney-client privilege or the attorney work product doctrine, including communications with the managing agent or other agent of the association, 6) information the disclosure of which would violate a court order or law, 7) records of an executive session of the board, 8) individual property files other than those of the requesting owner, 9) unlisted telephone number or electronic address of any owner or resident, 10) security access information provided to the association for emergency purposes, and 11) agreements that for good cause prohibit disclosure to the owners. Prior to disclosure of the list of owners, an association must also redact or otherwise remove the address of any owner or resident who is known to the association to be a participant in an address confidentiality program. Community associations may charge a reasonable fee for producing and providing copies of any records and for supervising an owner's inspection of records, but an owner is entitled to receive a free annual electronic or paper copy of the list of owners from the association. The right to copy records includes the right to receive copies by photocopying or other means, including through an electronic transmission, if available, upon request by an owner. Associations are not obligated to compile or synthesize information for an owner who requests to review or receive records. This law takes effect on July 23, 2023. The fourth new law imposes additional requirements on community associations related to the collection of past due assessments. Associations must mail a specified pre-foreclosure notice to delinquent owners along with the first notice of delinquency for past due assessments and the same notice again before beginning a foreclosure action against those owners’ properties. The second notice may not be mailed sooner than sixty days after the first notice is mailed. Associations may not begin foreclosure actions against delinquent owners’ properties unless they owe a sum greater than: 1) three months or more of assessments, not including fines, late charges, interest, attorneys' fees, or costs incurred by the association in connection with the collection of the delinquent owner's account, or 2) $2,000 of assessments, not including fines, late charges, interest, attorneys' fees, or costs incurred by the association in connection with the collection of a delinquent owner's account. This law takes effect on July 23, 2023. The laws that apply to community associations grow more numerous and complex every year. It has unfortunately become virtually impossible for associations to comply with all of those laws without legal guidance. Community association boards should strongly consider consulting with an attorney who specializes in this area on a periodic basis. Kevin L. Britt is a Seattle attorney who has exclusively represented community associations fo
Date: December 11, 2023
Time: 12:51:48 AM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: changes to Washington state HOA aws 2023: The Washington State Legislature recently passed several new laws that affect existing community associations. Here are some of the changes that will take effect in 2023: Community associations are prohibited from prohibiting, unreasonably restricting, or limiting the use of properties for licensed family home child care or as licensed child daycare centers. An association may require properties being used in that manner to: 1) provide direct customer access from the outside of the buildings or through publicly accessible common areas, 2) be licensed by the state, 3) indemnify the association against all claims related to that use except for claims that arise in common elements that the association is solely responsible for maintaining under the governing documents, 4) obtain daycare insurance or provide self-insurance, and 5) provide the association with signed waivers from the guardians of each child being cared for that release them from legal claims related to that use. An association may impose reasonable rules pertaining to family home child care and licensed child daycare centers, but those rules must apply equally to all other association members 1. Community associations can require owners who lease their properties to use a tenant screening service or obtain background information, including criminal history, pertaining to their prospective tenants at the owners’ sole cost and expense before executing leases and to require proof that this has been done. However, associations may not require that tenant screening reports or any background information pertaining to tenants be furnished to them. This law takes effect on July 23, 2023 1. Community associations are required to keep and maintain the following records: 1) the current budget, detailed records of receipts and expenditures affecting the operation and administration of the association, and other appropriate accounting records within the last seven years, 2) minutes of all meetings of its owners and board other than executive sessions, a record of all actions taken by its owners or board without a meeting, and a record of all actions taken by a committee in place of the board on behalf of the association, 3) the names of current owners, addresses used by the association to communicate with them, and the number of votes allocated to each property, 4) its organizational and governing documents, including all amendments, 5) all financial statements and tax returns of the association for the past seven years, 6) a list of the names and addresses of its current board members and officers, 7) its most recent annual report delivered to the Secretary of State, if any, 8) copies of contracts to which it is or was a party within the last seven years, 9) materials relied upon by the board or any committee to approve or deny any requests for design or architectural approval for a period of seven years after the decision is made, 10) materials relied upon by the board or any committee concerning a decision to enforce the governing documents for a period of seven years after the decision is made, 11) copies of insurance policies under which the association is a named insured, 12) any current warranties provided to the association, 13) copies of all notices provided to the owners or the association in accordance with state law or the governing documents, and 14) ballots, proxies, absentee ballots, and other records related to voting by owners for one year after the election, action, or vote to which they relate 1.
Date: December 10, 2023
Time: 2:20:41 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: I highly suggest that if the HOA's resident wants to insist he is the laison for all member of this HOA then he needs to properly give notice of such., He send out a letter to each and every member stating what this policy is. He ould make this a lot simpler by becoming the HOA's registered agent. Aparently our attorney does not want to do that part of the job, or our President wants to insert himself in the process for his benefit. He wans to be the Registered Agent he can fill out the properr form and send it into the Washington Secretry of State. Hope he enjoys being served process of service. This should all be part of the contract with the attorney and why the attorney has been paid a retainer to be the RA and to do thatt which that job entails. Bay Ridge Community Club is paying the atttorney firm to be the RA and if we are being run as a business our board and President should tell the attorney to do that job we have paid for. Perhaps we need a different firm. If the President wishes to insert himself in the process then he should become the registerred agent for Bay Ridge,
Date: December 10, 2023
Time: 2:12:02 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: for about a week there was an official web site for Bay Ridge. i know there was a poll, and members epressed that they wanted a web site. Since that poll was done and completed there has been no board meeting to award a contract, or authorization of funds to be spent on such a project. No plicies have beeen put out and again such policies would have to be done by the board. There was a site and then it diasappearedd. I do not know if this was beacuase someone on the board realized the board has a role to play, or if it was a trial ballon, or it crashed. I do know that before there3 is a web site the board must do its job to create a contract, or create the funding, ect. All of this should not invoolve attorneys to any great deal other than to review a contract made by the board and the contractor.
Date: December 10, 2023
Time: 2:05:32 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Was some sort of board meeting anounced and held in the past two or three weeks? The only notice of a board meeting that I have is for December 28,2023 at the Blaine library. I know our board likes to have meeting and just not announce them. Details like quorum is of no concern. The board will do whatever Ken and Patti decide. Not that the President will hesitate to send letters or polls out without conferring with the board. This HOA is governed by a board, if only it had a quorum. It is not the Presidents say so. When I send a letter to a attorney office and state the reason for the letter is to make sure I have my facts straight before doing a BAR complaint. I receive a non answer, from the attorney. Then I get this bs about going through the laison. The laison does not have anything to do with that letter. That letter is about why did the attorny give legal advice to the board that clearly breaks the law, that the HOA need not worry about the law apparently. Either the advice was given or President Jameson lied in front of 40 people at the special membership meeting. I have my opinion. I hope a bunch of you go to the next HOA board meetng. Please let me know if there are in fact secretive meeetings going on. There frankly should not be unofficial meeetings between the President and Secretary on HOA business. This is one reason couples or close;ly related individuals should not be on the board together. I sugget one of them resign now.
Date: December 10, 2023
Time: 1:04:37 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: The following is from https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p4221pc.pdf. I have included the part for board and governance. I think our board members need to review these, even those with 20 years of expirence reading Federal Statutes. Reading just this short section shows me members should be concerned about actions by the board. That board members are not adequately independent. That the IRS would look harshly on having a married couple on the board. that the IRS would likely find there is self dealing going on. You get a free cistern you better put it on your personal taxes as well. Governing Body An active and engaged board is important to the success of a public charity and compliance with the tax law. A governing board should be composed of persons who are informed and active in overseeing a charity’s operations and finances. To guard against insider transactions that could result in misuse of charitable assets, the governing board should include independent members and should not be dominated by employees or others who are not independent because of business or family relationships. 20 Governance and Management Policie Governance and Management Policies Although the IRC does not require charities to have governance and management policies, the IRS does encourage boards of charities to consider whether the implementation of policies relating to executive compensation, conflicts of interest, investments, fundraising, documentation of governance decisions, document retention and whistleblower claims may be necessary and appropriate. Further, if a public charity has chapters or affiliates, it is encouraged to have procedures or policies in place to ensure consistency in operations. Financial Statements and Information Reporting Board members are encouraged to regularly review the organization’s financial statements and information returns, and consider whether an independent auditor is appropriate. Transparency Public charities are encouraged to adopt and monitor procedures to ensure that information about their mission, activities, finance and governance is made publicl available.
Date: December 10, 2023
Time: 12:42:26 PM
Message: Anyone wanting to make a complaint to the IRS about some cisterns appropriated by certain individuals on the board may want to contact the IRS. Here is your form. https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/eo-abusive-tax-avoidance-transactions
Date: December 10, 2023
Time: 12:41:01 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Tim I do not know if Snowman is on the board or is a close associate. Only Snowman I know of was played by Jerry Reed. This would mean a close relationship with the Bandit played by Burt Reynods. I must be the Bandit and I rather suspect this Snowman is really a southern Sheriff. Trying to fake out the public and pretend to be who they are not. In any case I doubt this particular Snowman has a golden thumb. 10-4 Good Buddy.
Date: December 10, 2023
Time: 2:46:07 AM
Name(optional): Tim
Message: Hey Mark I thought SNOWMAN was on the board or had close info?! I'm confused.
Date: December 10, 2023
Time: 12:46:37 AM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Yes it snowed, and it did not stick around. Good as no snow removal happened nor any salt or sand. Conditions here could produce a lake effect snow if things happen just right, hopefully not I hope we do not have a big one this year, but if you have some info Snowman please share. Is there a weather predictor in your top hat. Can it remove snow from. Roads with it'd magic? And you know when the big one will be. Please share with our officers and board members so they can act appropriately and help this community should the big one happen.
Date: December 9, 2023
Time: 11:27:32 PM
Name(optional): Tim
Message: Jeff, Yes most likely! Also SNOWMAN, I thought you were against the plowing of the snow?
Date: December 9, 2023
Time: 9:01:35 PM
Name(optional): Snowman
Message: Little teaser today! Hope everyone has their snow shovels ready for the big one! Hope we can find a snowplow that can make a pass through this poor HOA when needed…..
Date: December 7, 2023
Time: 2:54:28 AM
Message: OK we need younger vibrant people on the board. Even KISS fans!!!
Date: December 6, 2023
Time: 8:37:26 PM
Name(optional): Jeff
Message: Who are the retards managing the new website, the same retards on the Board?
Date: December 6, 2023
Time: 7:57:28 PM
Name(optional): Frank
Message: Fantastic, good to hear Mark. Good luck. I’m too old to hold a position been there done that! But wish you all the best.
Date: December 5, 2023
Time: 1:57:02 AM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: I am planning on running for an open position on the board. Maybe even President, but maybe Jamie wants that. You could be on the board too Frank. If I am successful on getting on the board hopefully meetings can be moved to Saturdays. I work evenings, and I am surecthere are a lot of potential great volunteers for the board. If not on the board i hope some folks would be willing to assist committee's. Committee's are how good boards get business and questions dealt with. What should be done with the park. Or should it be a park. Yes residences could be built in it. As could a clubhouse, picnic shelter, gazebo, dog park. Running trail. Ect. Or it could just be a natural area. Maybe some trails to get to the pond. So has the lights competition begun? Neighborhood blood drive?
Date: December 4, 2023
Time: 6:55:20 PM
Name(optional): Fed up neighbor
Message: Do you people have nothing better to croak at. We are doing our best, we are uncompensated volunteers (other than the HOA funds spent on our properties on stormwater upgrades authorized by us) Please don’t send in anymore complaints as that department is under funded and will not be responding. We will be acting on 15 members wishes that the 4 of us contributed to in a skewed self serving poll. Hope you see how hard we are trying to shove our agenda down your throats. Please vote us all back on the board in June, we know what’s best for you.
Date: December 4, 2023
Time: 6:29:51 PM
Name(optional): Frank
Message: I sure hope there is not all this nonsense on our new website. My question is to Mr Adams, are you going to step up and put your name in the hat and actually run for a position in this HOA. Don’t worry about submitting a resume as none of the current incompetent self elected board did. Maybe those wingnut’s should not be acting on a15 member napkin poll spending our funds on whatever they deem important to themselves. Nothing worse than a bunch of neighbors that have no problem lying to our faces! Can’t wait till the Annual.
Date: December 4, 2023
Time: 5:52:06 PM
Name(optional): Linda
Message: I’ve been trying for 3 days to sign up for the new Bay Ridge website. Can somebody explain why it always not working please. I am questioning how legitimate this webpage is and is this Board jeopardizing all members personal and financial information. I would strongly suggest not exposing any personal info. We all saw the unqualified volunteers that are running this HOA in Oct and it’s scary to say the least!
Date: December 2, 2023
Time: 8:09:53 PM
Name(optional): Get A Lawyer
Message: If you are in desperate need of a defamation attorney please contact Ken Jamesons pick, J. Dolan, it will will be money down the drain..right noball's! Kenney!
Date: December 2, 2023
Time: 7:45:04 PM
Name(optional): ma
Message: Did anyone notice at the special meeting Oct 19th, nobody stood up and exonerated the Board for being the thief’s that they are…proven beyond a doubt…pretty much says everything! Let’s move on from these dipshits!
Date: December 2, 2023
Time: 6:31:19 PM
Name(optional): Hello , hello
Message: I am trying very hard to join your new webpage, why is there a problem, please pay your bill so I can join and enjoy!
Date: December 2, 2023
Time: 6:11:41 PM
Name(optional): Bud from the Village
Message: Just checking in on the mess you all have going on! You need to get serious about removing the board, they are not working in your best interests, looks like they are out for themselves, especially the President and Secretary who only care about there self interests, rise up and take back your HOA
Date: December 2, 2023
Time: 5:49:27 PM
Name(optional): Bay Ridge Community Club
Message: Hey Judy, we still have our chickens what are you and the Board going to do about it nothing, so fuck off along with your rat neighbors Teresa and Jordan
Date: December 2, 2023
Time: 4:59:41 PM
Name(optional): Linda
Message: I agree, why did we vote for these incompetent neighbors that spent hoa money on their own properties and couldn't care less about the rest of us..are we not equal members..maybe not in the eyes of that arrogant asshole... Ken Jameson.
Date: December 2, 2023
Time: 4:39:27 PM
Name(optional): BRCC
Message: Do not sign up up for the new website, your personal information has or will be compromised and made available to the WWW ( no security ) Ken and Patty Jameson along with yes man Tyler Sobkowich and Judy Jones (not a member) that will do whatever as long as the HOA reimburses her gas mileage! They all have no interest other than their own personal vendettas spending all available HOA funds unchallenged on Attorney fees and acting on 15 member straw polls that mean nothing without the rest of members provided an opportunity to vote at a scheduled meeting. Let’s take these thief’s that have stolen from us to small claims court and send a message to future Board Members!
Date: December 2, 2023
Time: 2:42:18 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: At the special members meeting. Proxies were allowed to spoil the election. Yet even these proxiees were not handled properly. Mr. Stuart McWilliams should receive a recount without proxies. When a board decides to do a ballot, it does it properly, and that means sending out the appropriate mail in ballots that are signed by the owner and cast by the owner. Stuart was removed by one vote, but there were at least two proxies that were unsigned or the sign in sheet was not signed. In addition there is a on one where the current occupant has a death deed from the owner. This does not make them the owner of the property, nor does that make them an owner. A death deed and a death certificate from the grantor makes them an owner and member of the association. These mechanizations are for the benefit of the HOA President and his goal to have a board that mreely rubber stamps. The man shold know that the board with a married couple cannot manage a quorum. At least it is something the IRS looks at seriously as there is self interest implicit in a married couple on the board. In addition since a married couple with 4 people on the board consittutes 50 percent of the board, it is not possible that the other members of the board can get to 51 percent. A fifthe member of the board is needed. The board can do no business, unless one of the Jameson's are absent. A fix for this is simply doing the recount and acknowledging that there were insufficient votes to remove Mr. McWilliams from the board at the special membership meeting. Yes Presidnet Jameson I am sure you flat lied to me in front of a room of about 40 people that the attornies told you it was just peachy that you include proxies in a ballot vote, what poppycock.
Date: December 2, 2023
Time: 2:29:51 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: So Snowman how do you know there is no money in the budget for snow removal. There should be. When an older person breaks a hip because of an abundance of snow on the roads the HOA is going to first get a demand to pay medical bills. Then a lawsuit, and eventually will have to contact the insurance comapny to pay a judgeement. Then the insurance company may ask if there was snow removal prior to the accident. The insurance could refue to pay the claim because the HOA did not do reasonable road repairs, that a reasonable person could conclude could lead to injuries. Seems the board has no problem with spending on the attorney. It is suppossed to be the board as a whole that authorises those expenses, and it is likely one or two members of the board are generating these legal expenses. 10 grand has been spent on the attorney, you ought to be able to ask the attorney oh by the way should we be clearing the roads if it should snow. Maybe only after there are a couple of incches, and I suspect the attorney would advise it depends, but snow removal would be a reasonable action, or arranging to have the service and for it to be budgeted into the budget. Seems a website suddenly exists. Based on a poll sent out by the President prior to the last board meeting. So there was no board input into the poll, nor was the cost of the poll going out approved by the board. Suddenly there is a new website Bay Ridge Estates that is mostly plargarized from this site. There has been no board meeting to authorize a new website, or the money to spend on it. If this board wants to continue being sloppy and ignor the by laws and do these either by secret committee, or ignor its responsibilities under the bylaws and Washington State law it can damn welll break all that and provide appropriate snow removal, budget be damned because budget be damnid is the normal for this HOA in recent history. Snow removal ought to hve been on the last HOA board agenda, and it should bee on the agenda for the 28th of December meeting, as any of this web page stuff should also have been on the agenda and not started until properly vouched for and passed by the board, and the money allocated by the board. That is the proper procedure. The question of snow removal ought to have been on the bloody poll sent out, as that could be something useful for us members and owneers.
Date: December 1, 2023
Time: 9:35:12 PM
Name(optional): Snowman
Message: Mark, No plans for snowplowing anything. There is no money in the budget for that
Date: December 1, 2023
Time: 3:55:40 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: I thought today was the day to do the Thorton bypass in Ferndale. It is a nicely paved and painted road that is still closed.
Date: December 1, 2023
Time: 3:36:43 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: I think hobby groups that do drones, model planes that fly and rocketers should be invited to the park to give demonstrations of their hobby and afford them an opportunity to educate members and members of the board about their hobby and how it is governed by the FAA not even local government. This sort information should be sought out before any by law proposal is made by the board to the members on the subject. Also you may to invite local government and police and see what they say about the laws and any HOA demanding control of the skies overhead. Local government may take the view that warrants are not needed to photo a property from the air above a certain number of feet. It is required but our governments are always looking to use new rechnology to get around pesky requirements like state and federal constitutions and laws. Hmmm rather like a local HOA board.
Date: December 1, 2023
Time: 3:17:19 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Last year's winter was definitely white. Today and tonight there will be high winds. While I am hoping for a green winter have any arrangements been made for any snowplowing? Now is the time. To prepare for a white Christmas. Sleigh rides are fun, but when it is in your car not so much. Even old people have things to do, more fragile bodies, and winters can bring out broken bones even to those not playing hockey.
Date: December 1, 2023
Time: 3:07:13 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: So what do people think about Birch Bay incorporating, and Bay Ridge would be part of the new tow. (City?) I do not believe it will bring any great changes to any of the HOAs or condos in the area of the proposed incorporation. I could be wrong. Anyone want to put their two bits forward?
Date: November 30, 2023
Time: 8:58:32 PM
Name(optional): A Ballard
Message: The new website is junk, go figure when Ken the village idiot is involved!
Date: November 30, 2023
Time: 4:49:49 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: The board must deal with it not having a quorum. With a married couple on the board they need 5 members to have a quorum, unless one of the Jamesons is absent. I hope they fix this asap. The second issue is the reserves. There are specific Washington statutes on the reserve. When money is taken out it is supposed to be replaced within two years. Unless it is a fully funded reserve. Our Pesident has been asked twice and did not know what the number is that shows the reserve as fully funded. In 2022 money was removed from the fund. That info should be in the minutes and each member should have been notified The board has had much legal work done and either it came fully out of this year's dues or they have or will have to go to the reserve. Money removed must be paid back in the next two years. The board has little choice but to do a special assessing on the members for approx 40,000 last year, maybe 10,000 this year. Members should be getting a bill if the board does what it should under Washington state law. The reserves have and are not the boards piggy bank, and must be refilled. I do not want the bill but it iscthe consequences of the boards actions. Pay it with loud noise and replace the current board in June. Hopefully they decide to admit they have no quorum and do no business till June.
Date: November 29, 2023
Time: 3:23:58 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: The board should give a copy of all board meetings since May to this website. The most recent board meeting business is null and void for failure to have a quorum. The next meeting is unlikely to have a quorum. With a married couple on the board the minimum number of the board is five if both married members are present. Not that that has stopped the board in the past. But all business at those meeting can be found to be null and void. Also the board is to announce all meetings to the members. Per the by laws and Washington state law.
Date: November 27, 2023
Time: 8:51:10 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: The board must deal with the reserve they took money out of. Each time money was removed each and every member should have received notice the money was being removed. per RCW 64.38.075. The withdrawal must be in minutes from a board meeting. The board is also suppossed to adopt a repayment schedule not to exceed 24 months. It could determine repayment would put an unreasonable burden on owners. Neither of these have taken place. On two occassions I have asked the President what the number is for a fully fundd reserve, and he stated both times he does not know, though he should and he has had plenty of time to answer the question in a newsletter, but the board it appears would like the issue to go away. Sorry it not, the board is required to follow the law and enforce the law on itself and members. There is a requirement the board shall do a reserve study every three years is under RCW 64.38.065 having one means a study is required from time to time and the recommended time is every three years. Ideally a reserve study should be done professionally. Ours would be nearly all about the roads, tennis court, storm water. The simple fact that the board took money out of the reserves, and the county recommending work be done does not constitute an emergency. The money was spent and it should have been replaced by now, and that requirement has not gone away. A special assessment is required by state law, and the board is bound to follow the law. Time fr te board to deal with it and establish what each and every member needs to fork up since they removed money from the reserve. Saying they are volunteers does not get them out of doing this job. Perhaps a statement of what a fully funded reserve would be could be a good starting point, perhaps it is only $50,000 but if it is for the roads it seems it could be $200,000 unless the members prefer it not to be cared for and are ok with the roads returning to gravel, or o the members prefer a golden brick road?
Date: November 27, 2023
Time: 8:28:00 PM
Message: Frank of the ditches for board. Nomination for Frank. The board needs a fifth member in order to do business. Frank would be very good for one of the open positions. The other should be filled by Jamie Owens as he has paid all his dues and gee we have a non member on the board, and they both shouod have been removed. It appears the board singled Jamie out for removal. Frank and Jamie on the board now!
Date: November 25, 2023
Time: 3:43:50 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Board members and officers should recive milage and for other expenses related to them doing their jobs as board members and officers. I would suggest they should not go out and get six perfect white horses as that upset congress when George Washington did it. Of course old George sis not get a paycheck his first four years, just his expenses. Officer or board member buys some paper, stays overnight for a conference, receives training ext are all resonable expenses, and the board does have to approve of all the expenses. I do not believe cisterns however fall into the reasonable expense personal expense catagory. Bottom line if Judy should be reimbursed for milage and if she combines it with grocery shopping ect then she is a smart girl.
Date: November 24, 2023
Time: 5:18:44 PM
Name(optional): Purple haired Peter Eater!
Message: Hey Judy, you still helping yourself to HOA funds to cover your gas mileage depositing a couple of checks when you go grocery shopping or to personal doctor appointments? That’s what you get with a non member/renter in charge of our finances!
Date: November 23, 2023
Time: 3:56:16 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: The Washington State wildlifefolks would love to har from anyone in this area seeing a Western Gray Squirrle. There are three ares in Washington where the squirrels habitat. They occupy oak woodlands and conifer forests at mid to higher elevations. Neither describes Birch Bay, Washington. Habitat loss is probably the larger reason they are threatened, but they are protected so do not injure or kil one. Sciurus griseus is a very discerning squirrel and only the best haberdashery can satisfy their tastes. No bowler hats for these squirrels though this hat was the most popular in the west and Whatcom county back in the day.
Date: November 23, 2023
Time: 3:45:30 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Bing disagrees with you Gertrude just follow the link https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=fda8f965f927b467JmltdHM9MTcwMDY5NzYwMCZpZ3VpZD0wOWVkYjNlNi01MWYyLTY0MjgtMmQyMC1hMDVmNTA0ODY1ZmYmaW5zaWQ9NTIxMw&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=09edb3e6-51f2-6428-2d20-a05f504865ff&u=a1L2ltYWdlcy9zZWFyY2g_cT1zcXVpcnJlbCtjb3dib3kraGF0JnFwdnQ9c3F1aXJyZWwrY293Ym95K2hhdCZGT1JNPUlHUkU&ntb=1 Obviously squirrels will wear cowboy hats, though Bart Simpson would suggest you apply a little super glue. Dolly and the Dallas Cowgirls. It is a great Thanksgiving.
Date: November 21, 2023
Time: 5:56:00 PM
Name(optional): Gertrude
Message: Mr Adams, squirrels do not wear cowboy hats you ignoramus! We have Eastern and Western gray squirrels of which the a Western is larger and has a bushier tail and lack the brownish red color. I was so glad to read Trisha’s and Matt’s article and kind words. Hope the local rednecks that we’re BBQ my furry friends this summer are paying attention to the law…we are coming for your nuts!
Date: November 21, 2023
Time: 1:20:21 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: There are normal gray squirrels and Western Gray Squirrels here? If so how does one tell them apart? Unfortunately western gray squirrels do not wear cowboy hats and other western wear from the mercantil.
Date: November 20, 2023
Time: 10:23:01 PM
Name(optional): Matt
Message: "Trisha, it's indeed heartening to hear about the new protective measures for Western grey squirrels. Their classification as endangered is a crucial reminder of our responsibility towards wildlife conservation. The imposition of fines or imprisonment for harming them highlights the seriousness of the issue and serves as a significant step towards preserving biodiversity. It's also an interesting point to see this as a form of 'karma payback' for the species. Such actions hopefully will encourage more awareness and respect for the natural world." Response to Mark Adams (November 19, 2023) "Mark, your concerns about transparency and proper governance within your Homeowners' Association (HOA) are valid and important. It's clear that you're advocating for accountability, particularly in relation to the board meeting minutes and the voting on bylaw changes. Your suggestion to post these documents online could enhance transparency and member engagement. Pursuing these issues through official channels, as you're doing, is a constructive way to address your concerns. The challenge of balancing individual interests with those of the community is complex, and your active involvement is commendable." Response to Frank (November 18, 2023, Evening) "Frank, your advice to Mark about officially contesting the meeting and ballot process is a practical approach. It underscores the importance of using formal channels to address grievances in organizational settings. This approach not only lends legitimacy to the concerns raised but also ensures that they are addressed in a structured and potentially more impactful manner. Your encouragement for Mark to engage with the RA or an attorney highlights a path towards resolution that respects both the process and the individual’s rights." Response to Mark Adams (November 18, 2023, Afternoon) "Mark, your emphasis on the integrity of the voting process within your HOA is crucial. Your concerns about potential ballot box stuffing and the need for a recount or a new ballot reflect a deep commitment to fairness and transparency in community decision-making. The comparison to the standards of the Whatcom County Clerk's office is an interesting point, suggesting that similar levels of diligence and legality should be expected in all voting scenarios, regardless of scale. Your pursuit of a fair and legal resolution is a testament to your dedication to your community."
Date: November 20, 2023
Time: 9:55:05 PM
Name(optional): Trisha
Message: Well I just read Western grey squirrels are now classified as endangered! So people that get caught killing or poaching them will get a hefty fine or imprisonment!🐿️ I guess the squirrels have their own “Karma payback!
Date: November 19, 2023
Time: 6:43:55 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Could be I am. Or will do that. I may just be giving the board an opportunity to produce the advice they recieved. If they got it show it. On this website. Or email to me. If they have it then they have a fig leaf of a cover that the attorney did give them that advice. Show me and show us. I know this board has problems with the concepts that they are suppossed to annnounce meetings and that members can attend, and members have a right to see documents. I know I have asked to see redcent board meeting minutes suggesting they be placed on here, or seeing if there were any minutes about a membership meeting in August 2006 where members voted on three proposed bylaw changes. 1 was not allowing married couples to serve, 1 was not allowing anyone who has not paid dues on the board, and one on not allowing nonmembers to serve on the board. Apparently something was found and two passed. I still would like to see whatever was found and again it could be posted on here. I also asked to see the contract between Belcher Swanson tne this HOA again just posting it on here would be fine. I have a draft letter for Belcher Swanson, and it is to the lawfirm and does not need to go through a laison and will not go through a bogus laison who interest is not the HOA but his own. There are other solutions here, probably not likely to happen. I totally understand that Frank and I I have received that message from this board, only it it is not right. Being public should show I think are better reasonable ways of ealing with these matters. If I need to go all Jack Reacher. Of course there is a difference of power here, and I am playing with my resources and they are playing with the members money. The game is rigged and it ain't fair, and I am not afraid.
Date: November 18, 2023
Time: 6:52:50 PM
Name(optional): Frank
Message: Mark A, if you believe the SPecial MEeting was flawed and the ballot process was flawed….why are you not officially contesting it as a bona fide member. Contact the RA or attorney with your complaint or your personal attorney and bring your concerns forward where they will be heard and not ignored by a biased board?
Date: November 18, 2023
Time: 12:06:18 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: I agree Frank, just playing above board. The basic concept that a ballot is the same thing as you get from the Whatcom County Clerk requires common sense. Sure someone other than the ballot owner can fill out someone ses, and cast it. That is illegal and is known as stuffing the ballot box. Such votes spoil the vote, and too many destroys the integrity of the vote. The election from the special members meeting is flawed. There should be a recount dropping the proxies or a new ballot done properly with proper absentee ballots.
Date: November 17, 2023
Time: 11:43:25 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Hi Ggertrude are you foing to put in squirrel runs in. Watching squirrels unravel the traps and tricks together to the nuts is great fun to watch.
Date: November 17, 2023
Time: 7:49:41 PM
Name(optional): Gertrude
Message: HiYa fellow squirrel friends, haven't been on my blog in quite some time. How is everything going in squirrel world? It's been crazy gathering up nuts around here, non stop busy, winter is here! Happy Holidays, see some of you in the Spring!
Date: November 17, 2023
Time: 7:20:23 PM
Name(optional): Jeff
Message: Nobody gave this HOA Board, the green light to do anything on a Patti Poll, get your quotes and costs together, then call a membership meeting to present and vote on, otherwise see you in June for tacos, everybody bring a container to take home extra's before the Board gannets dive in and take over! and fill their freezers
Date: November 17, 2023
Time: 6:11:10 PM
Name(optional): Frank
Message: Hello again Mark.I would contact Belcher Swanson directly with any questions on proxies.The President(liaison) is not competent to handle such matters as he is biased in his opinion and can't explain to any members why the HOA has forked out 10,000 bucks in attorney bills and going up... for what? There will be no direct cost to you, this Board will be ahead of you in small claims court..guaranteed!
Date: November 17, 2023
Time: 5:40:59 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Thank you Frank. I am still looking forward to the Secretary or President Jameson to provide the documentation that Belcher Swanson or another attorney advised the board or him that proxies can be mixed into a ballot election. They cannot be, nor is it in the unenforceable by laws. If I do not receive the information I asked for at the meeting I will a letter to Belcher Swanson to confirm whether or not President Kenneth Jameson was lying or if indeed they gave that poor and criminal advice. If they did I will put in a bar complaint. As it is the board does not have quorum with a married couple on it with four members. 5 members are needed at a board meeting to do business. These requirements of the board acting properly are apparently just so burdensome. Yes members should receive notice of board meetings. Board meetings are open. Members can see virtually all documents in this HOA. Board members can see all. Just so much work work work for a little old teensy board of volunteers.
Date: November 17, 2023
Time: 5:29:24 PM
Name(optional): Little piggy
Message: The mean bad wolf President Jameson came a puffing and a huffing to blow down the little piggies website and some people polled said no. They want speech and want more speech even speech on a Board Controlled HOA website. Yea pigs for free speech! Miss Piggy supports free speech and supports this post Yeah!!!!!!
Date: November 17, 2023
Time: 3:05:16 PM
Name(optional): Frank
Message: Mark, the Board didn't post anything. They mailed some slanted/super biased no real in depth explanation of potential savings to members and what would be good for BRCC all at our cost of several hundred dollars! Instead the Board should have mailed out a hurt feelings report at their cost that everyone witnessed at the Special Meeting in October. Don't feel sorry for these self serving board members(do not include Judy Jones-renter) This Board needs to account for the $10,000 dollar attorney bill they run up before they are allowed to spend any more HOA funds on their agenda. We are not moving forward on 15 votes in a two bit poll until everything asked is voted on by a quorum of members at a meeting(otherwise i smell a lawsuit)On that note President, I crashed my drone doing HOA security and will drop it off so you can shove it where the sun don't shine, good luck with the new website, coming soon!
Date: November 17, 2023
Time: 2:04:58 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Thank you for posting the results of the poll. I would suggest before any actions are taken based on the poll that the board meet and discuss the poll in a meeting. It is supposed to be the business decisions of the board. 15 people responding in the poll is far from a mandate, particularly when I can name 7 of the folks and can accurately predict what they polled. 15 is less than 20 percent of the members. The poll was not scientific and was slanted. I would further suggest the board form a committee first for any changes to the by laws, ect before running to the attorney. Since the response was less than 20 percent perhaps a majority or a majority above 80 percent would prefer the HOA be dissolved. That is suggested by the turn out.
Date: November 15, 2023
Time: 3:03:24 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: I suggest the results of the poll be posted on this website. As a member I would like to see them and I have a right to see them. The responses were supposed to be in by November 3rd plenty of time to tally, even do a letter on this perfect poll and mail a letter out. Not like the poll had the boards approval before it was mailed out, so no reason to wait until the next board meeting in December.
Date: November 15, 2023
Time: 2:59:02 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: A special board meeting should be called in order for the board to order a by mail ballot. The election at the special members meeting was not perfect or legal. It was spoiled and proxies were used to stuff the ballot box. When a board or 5he secretary decides to do a ballot election it must conform to the by laws and to state law. Common sense should tell anyone that a ballot can only be cast by the owner. Absentee ballots can be used but must be mailed out with the notice and be proper. Proxies cannot be used. Anyone who cast a proxies can be individually sued or should the Whatcom County prosecutor take an interest be criminally charged, as well as the HOA and board members.
Date: November 15, 2023
Time: 12:40:22 AM
Name(optional): Steve
Message: fuchin chit show u got over there, us villagers are doing way bettr than ya'll, eh?!
Date: November 14, 2023
Time: 5:35:54 PM
Name(optional): Pj
Message: I'm getting two dozen egg laying chickens...$1.00/doz put in your orders, thanks
Date: November 10, 2023
Time: 6:09:43 PM
Name(optional): M.A
Message: This hoA is being falsely run by Kin and his wife Patti and there queer neighbor Tyler. They have used our money to help themselves, time to get rid of these assholes
Date: November 9, 2023
Time: 1:03:45 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Let's talk animals in the HOA. I have always asked Samta for a hippophotomus for Chistmas and I think this is the year Santa coming through. Is that so cool. Some disagree, and they would be right in saying the CC and R and archtecusl documents do not ow me to have a new very large friend. Recent there was a ruckus over chickens and a pig. I have no problems with either being pets in the HOA. Yet the rules say no. Because the pets were around for 8 years I believe the rule became unenforceable. Chickens are the. Gateway animals s to ducks, turkeys, goats ponies, donkeys, ect. All are considered livestock and not permitted according to the current rules. The rules fail to address exotic animals, guide dogs, or other her animals. The rules were created by a builder for his purposes of selling the lots, and were already a bit out dated. They are definitely outdated today. What is considered a pet today includes what was once merely livestock. A change to gover ING documents is needed. Is it chickens and roosters for everyone or foxes for everyone? Or some reasonable rule that we members can then approve through proper ballot voting. Perhaps.
Date: November 9, 2023
Time: 12:27:01 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adamz
Message: Continued: meeting. I provided the Secretary a letter challenging the bill. I was told verbally by the President with no one around the bill had been dropped. I have not received any confir.arion in email or letter. Simply writing the Registered Agent should not result in any person writing a demand of the HOA. Any me.ber of the HOA can be the RA. The RA accepts the service or correspondence and gives it to the corporation. They may charge for postage or copies, at cost. No legal fees begi. Until the person on the contract tells the attorney to do legal work. And that should only happen with board approval. Has that happened here? Show us.
Date: November 9, 2023
Time: 12:18:00 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: At the recent Special Membership meeting it was reveed the HOA has run up a substantial legal bill. Perhaps some of the story could be found I board meeting minutes that the leadership refuses to provide to be posted here. There should also be a contract between the HOA and Belcher Swanson that could also be posted. It could be individuals are doing actions without proper board support. That could mean the bills are not the responsibility of Bay Ridge Community Club, but the responsibility of those individuals. Me.bers have a right to know of the bill, the amounts, ect. I know I was handed a bill at a unannounced m
Date: November 8, 2023
Time: 3:02:50 PM
Message: There are solutions here.we members either 10 or 20 percent can orchestrate a me.bership meeting to vote on a proper board. The Presidemt could acknowledge the problems with prior actions and reinstate Stuart McWilliams. One of the Jamesons could resign. Judy and Tyler could ack owledge their actual power here and use it for the good of the HOA at least when there are only three members at a board meeting...and the quorum for board meetings is three. Reinstate Stuart McWilliams and Jie Owen's to the board.
Date: November 8, 2023
Time: 2:30:19 PM
Message: While Taxman Ken may not have worked in the non profit side of the IRS it sees seem unlikely he would not be familiar with what that section looks at including conflict of interests. Board of 20 the IRS looks but not too hard. Board of 4 or 6 they will look hard during an audit. There ate even questions on even the most basic non profit tax form. The HOA is filing? Could the irs be curious with a remaining board of 4 of which 2 are married a out potential conflicts.
Date: November 8, 2023
Time: 1:28:02 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: The issue of married couples came up in the special members meeting. Professional S advising HOAs even small ones are of the opinion the negative outweighs any positives when it is a small board. The IRS white it does not prohibit it does look at couples or blood relations on any size board as a potential conflict of interest, more so the smaller the board. There are also quorum issues again more so with small boards. A board of 7 there may not be a quorum issue but with a board of four there are qurom issues, as it is not possible to have a quorum therefore it is impossible to do business. The board may have a quorum. If only three members are present and of the couple is not present. A quorum of the board was not present at the last board meeting, therefore any business done done at that meeting is moot. Good luck board you created this mess. By the way Stuart McWilliams is disputing the election and is demanding a recount. He was removed by one vote. Anything to there not being signatures on two ballots or two proxies? I think you may need to do the whole ection over again. You may just wa t to do the June ection over as none of the current board members were properly elected per the unapproved minutes or the last 5 mi uses of the meeting g recording Yea board governance!!! Let's get it right. No you cannot mix ballots and proxies, and if the attorney told you a that the HOA needs to get a different attorney.
Date: November 4, 2023
Time: 5:01:43 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Winter is coming! I am hopeful that any snowfall this year will be trivial amunts. Now is the time for the board to arrange for someone to be on standby if some road maintenance ifin the form of a snowplow is neccessary. Please do not repeat lat winter of a foot of snow on the roads for 10 days to two weeks and no salt, no sand, and no plow. Thank you
Date: November 4, 2023
Time: 2:51:27 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: County policy on culverts, cisterns and wastewater is the property owners responsibility. It is unlikely the county would tell any HOA anything other than the Whatcom county policy. That it is under Whatcom County policy there things are the property owners responsibility. The county would not want to get too involved with what ever the arrangements are between the HO,A and individual lot owners beyond polity looking at a board and suggesting look at our policies and get a clue and we are not instructing you to do any particular work or how it is to be paid for.
Date: November 3, 2023
Time: 8:52:21 PM
Message: Ken, why don’t you FUCK off and take pitty Patty with you, you are an arrogant asshole that has no value here. Good riddance! Don’t forget to pay what you owe…Thief’s, along with your dipshit neighbor Tyler Sanwich
Date: November 3, 2023
Time: 1:31:20 AM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Curious about board responsibilities take a gander here: https://boardsource.org/fundamental-topics-of-nonprofit-board-service/roles-responsibilities/ es Virginia even non profits usually need to make a profit at least most years.
Date: October 31, 2023
Time: 8:41:12 AM
Name(optional): BRCC
Date: October 30, 2023
Time: 7:19:46 PM
Name(optional): Kevin Jordan
Message: Owner of Lot 24 Message: When r we getting our ditch fixed??? You blamed Stu for your excuse for not fixing it, now he’s gone and I haven’t heard any thing?? Soo now what’s the excuse??? I’m done with your lies. Shit or get off the pot!!! If this was your home I bet it would have been taking care of by now …. Prove me wrong and fix the fucking ditch!!!!
Date: October 30, 2023
Time: 4:00:14 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: About two years ago I started looking for a house. My preference would have been property not part of a HOA. In March I looked At where zi am living and I was informed the house was in a Hzoa with shockingly low dies of $200 or $250 a year. I rather expected dues to go up. And crossed my fingers if they did it would be reasonable increases. They have been. I know there are a number of home owners who have not paid your dues. I have paid mine please pay yours. I am sure on closing you were informed it is an HOA with annual dues. I think the board approach of talk to. Us. See if we can make an arrangement is totally reasonable. They do not want to do lions. Or foreclosures. Now if you are selling snd in arrears zi do hope leadership chooses a line unless there is an agreement in place. It is unfortunate there are almost no amenities here. Telling someone they cannot use the tennis is not going tobe effective. I think telling people they drive on the community roads would be, but that with the courts. Please pay your outstanding dues ect. I do not think you should lose your. Voting rights being in arrears, and whether you do or not is debatable based on the by laws and cc and r, reasonable. People can disagree, and I can understand the boards position on the subject. I do think the board is dealing with the issue and it is a difficult one.
Date: October 28, 2023
Time: 12:07:10 AM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Our co.munity could do ablood drive. Get a blood van up here. Need 35 donors. Folks from across the road could come too. No attacking ducks. No pool. Just folks giving a vital community resource. Let us know if you want to give the gift of life.
Date: October 27, 2023
Time: 11:58:55 PM
Message: So block party? Timeto celebrate.
Date: October 27, 2023
Time: 8:29:36 PM
Message: YaY for Pen and Katty! Way to save the dayyyyy
Date: October 27, 2023
Time: 8:01:18 PM
Message: We must have some of the dumbest people in this HOA. Valerie Hamilton. Jay Newberg and Achilles Mallari could not oversee a simple election without screwing it up. Lucky we have Ken and Patty to swoop in and clean up the mess and make it all ok! Fucking Frauds!
Date: October 26, 2023
Time: 11:58:53 PM
Message: So anyone go to the board meeting? Any commentd?
Date: October 26, 2023
Time: 7:42:35 PM
Message: Just why are we waiting for board meeting minutes since minutes are the 2nd order of business at board meetings. There have been two or three meetings. I guess three people have thr power to prevent this routine board and Secretary task to go by the wYside. Fine if it isnot in the minutes it did not happen.Just watch "Yes Minister"
Date: October 25, 2023
Time: 5:34:29 PM
Message: While there maybe boars at the meeting it is a board meeting. Lions and tigers and bears oh my.
Date: October 25, 2023
Time: 11:01:58 AM
Message: A reminder could go out to members that there is a boar meeting on the 26th at the Blaine library. Not sure of the time.
Date: October 24, 2023
Time: 6:49:30 PM
Name(optional): Frank
Message: Remove this self interest board that only has looked out for what helps themselves, Ken is a asshole that brings ZERO value to this HOA and hides behind Patty! That was on display last week, we are going down fast and don’t be surprised when they jump ship!
Date: October 23, 2023
Time: 7:22:57 PM
Message: Did everybody at the meeting hear our attorney I think it was Kirsten, give vague confusing answers? No wonder 4 board members have cost us $9811.45 and possibly could double with their incompetence. Where is their fiduciary duty on behalf of the membership that they are obligated to uphold? I think all of them should be removed before they steal the rest of the HOA finances, yes they need to be held accountable in front of a Judge for stealing and using funds to improve their properties, regardless of the meek accountability..don’t be persuaded by Ken Jameson who only has his best interests front and center…the President sat there and tried to pretend he didn’t understand the ACC guidelines! Bullshit!
Date: October 23, 2023
Time: 6:11:59 PM
Message: Not sure who that loud mouth was talking and pointing about precedence, obviously a Ken lover? Since the President can dump concrete and garbage in the common area, it is now okay for homeowners to do the same. Thank you finally a close dump.
Date: October 23, 2023
Time: 9:48:15 AM
Message: Man... does this mean no more gardening tips and recipes in the newsletter? 😭😢😢😥😭
Date: October 22, 2023
Time: 11:05:17 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: I strongly suggest the Chair (President) get himself a copy of Roberts Rules of Order and study it, probably goes for the rest of the board as well. I do object to the Chair reading stuff, if things by the leadership are to be read at a meeting that is the Secretary's job. I object to the chair reading stuff because members must ask permission of the chair to read things and any member can object, and the membership can sustain or overturn that objection. The Chair should not enter debate, if they do they should relinquish the chair until that debate is complete. Also members in arrears should be able to vote unless they have been removed from the membership or they are being disciplined and there is nothing in the by laws addressing exactly what a member in good standing is, so all members or all owners of lots should have been able to vote..
Date: October 22, 2023
Time: 1:39:15 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: I think renters get treated as red headed step children in most HOAs. They have no true representation on HOA boards, certainly not a vote. If the hoe owner does not advocate for the renters renters have very little power. I think they could be a class and separately vote a board member (probably would have to be a homeowner) onto the board to have a vote and any real say. Easy for a board to ignore homeowners, even easier to ignore renters, and some HOAs do not allow renters.
Date: October 22, 2023
Time: 1:32:47 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: I do not believe the park needs to be mowed even once in the summer beyond giving residents paths to walk. There is a small fire danger. Yet to mitigate any true danger would mean insisting the owners of properties north and west of our HOA. Not likely that would happen. But that is where the prevailing winds come from. It is a minor inconvience to call 911 and the Whatcom fire department. Is ready to respond to grassfires in the summer. And the 4th.
Date: October 22, 2023
Time: 1:18:30 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Chris if you spend a few minutes on line you will find there is some teeth in what she is saying. Disability animals do have some protection just like service dogs. Once upon a time there were only service dogs, times have changed and our cc and r. Bylaws have not. No mention of service animals in the documents.
Date: October 22, 2023
Time: 9:24:52 AM
Message: That was such an informative meeting on Thursday. Now over $10K of our pooled money wasted on a petty personal board fight, how is that in the best interest of members? Should have worked out your differences and not have exposed your dirty underpants to the members. I don't trust this President, too arrogant and ignorant to be running this hoa.
Date: October 22, 2023
Time: 6:45:45 AM
Name(optional): Chris
Message: Hey Linda, Such a great performance the other night. Way to "Stick it to the man" So surprising a RENTER has such pull around here! You must have them shaking in their boots! Hope you have the paperwork to back up your mouth. Cause around here we want to see TRUTHS, not just people with big mouths.
Date: October 21, 2023
Time: 1:03:53 AM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Taxman Ken should have read this before trashing my first amendment rights...https://digitalcommons.law.seattleu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?httpsredir=1&article=1192&context=sulr
Date: October 20, 2023
Time: 6:58:13 PM
Name(optional): Jamie
Message: Fed up Neighbor, you're also not clever with your crappy snake oil VPN. I know you're real IP since your VPN provides just about as much false security as this corrupt board does when they blow smoke up your a$$ and you love it.
Date: October 20, 2023
Time: 6:34:19 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: And my clapping fee is a thousand a clap.
Date: October 20, 2023
Time: 5:09:23 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: To Fed up neighbor so whT do you want. Want me to shut then pay my mortgage, annual hoa fee, any fines or accessionings from the HOA. My water and garbage bills and I will think about being quiet as you wish. I think Jamie and Stu may like the sa.e treatment.
Date: October 20, 2023
Time: 4:45:44 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Fed up neighbor. We are not the folks in charge. They are a fine fine job of being foolish and showing off skin skins.also afraid of a up front real election.
Date: October 20, 2023
Time: 4:43:51 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: To all who attended lat night meeting Thank you for participating. I hope we can build on that participation and get more. So no one wants to pick board members by chit. Not a stoic lot are we. Ok.
Date: October 20, 2023
Time: 4:15:04 PM
Name(optional): Fed up Neighbor
Message: You people are idiots who make us all look bad.
Date: October 20, 2023
Time: 3:46:15 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: The President and the board decided the day. Time and place of the meeting. I took the clay off from work and I did not care ifvthe meeting went to midnight orcone or two in the morning. Scheduling this meeting on that day and time was to manipulate you members. They off any election until you were all tired. Ect. They did not allow a challenge to the vote. The only. Cure would have been a roll call vote. They mixed ballots and proxies. Then they claimed there was no time to allow the members to vote on the board member position that opened or the open Vice President position. I the board was given multiple opportunities to make this just an election and cure any possible questions anout the annual meeting when the corporation was dissolved, and cure the invalid election at the annual meeting. Furthermore the board could have scheduled the meeting for Saturday. Maybe they should hold all board meetings and members meeting on Saturdays so the maxi.um number of members can attend.
Date: October 20, 2023
Time: 1:38:51 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: I heard the renters. You know the George Cain joke about the club and you ain't in it. It is true here actually home owners are not in the club either. Hoa associatios have their finger on the scales at the legislature. They have lobbyists. I do not have a Mar Adamd lobby person, and I doubt any owner or renters does. Write your legislators, do not hold your breath. I wonder if it is possible that the renters could elect their own. Representative to the board Not sure the statuse allow or disallow, but. Probably to do this sensible action would take writing your state representatives. We can work on it though. Let me know if you are interested.
Date: October 20, 2023
Time: 11:44:48 AM
Message: The last two elections have been.screw ups. Neither were properly conducted. The President did sit signing proxy after proxy that then went into a ballot box. It will be interesting to see the numbers which must show votes from members present and proxies. The ballot vote wad not conducted properly. Nice to be in Nigeria, only they are much better at their corruption. If you are doing balloting voting wrong and have for years it is still wrong. I SUGGEST THE PRESIDENT GET HIMSELF A COPY OF ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER AND STUDY IT OR RESIGN. For reason he puts of effort into what is clearly called a thankless job thrust on him because the owners are lazy human. Beings.
Date: October 20, 2023
Time: 11:37:08 AM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: No one asked Kristen the really important question. Nor did she volunteer the information, maybe she has advised the board properly or maybe not. The question is if two individuals are not qualified to be on the board for dissimilar reasons and the board kicks one off can the HOA be sued successfully by the individual kicked off. What is a judge in Whatcom, and those judges at the appellate and state Supreme Court will say. It is simple the HOA loses. The board has a duty to the HOA to protect the HOA from suits and equally important to. Not create suits. Depending on the perceived Inability of an individuals economic situation or unwillingness to sue, is not a business like way to make decisions.
Date: October 20, 2023
Time: 11:29:33 AM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: This is a case where there is a conspiracy.it is politics and four folks in charge. Guess you have a brown nose neighbor.
Date: October 20, 2023
Time: 10:02:38 AM
Name(optional): Fed up Neighbor
Message: Is anyone else here fed up with the conspiracy theories of Jaime and Mark?
Date: October 19, 2023
Time: 1:46:53 AM
Message: You can revoke your proxy even at th meeting. It is much better if members of the asociation participate in person. It is what the board should encourage rather than individual board members collecting proxies that are to their benefit. Board members should not be able to collect proxies at all. Or better yet the HOA should simply not allow proxies.
Date: October 18, 2023
Time: 3:43:02 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: I move that any board members removed on Thursday are unable to run for office again until June. Because the annual election was so fubar the only member of the board is STuart McWilliams. The other board members are just members like you and me. Could be an issue. In court if the HOA wants to push the board. Kennerh Jameson had no authority to write up the bill, even to create the bill, he no authority. And on sense should have told him he had no business handing it to me.
Date: October 17, 2023
Time: 11:28:56 AM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: I am looking forward to seeing the CC and R committee that is the entire board according to President Kenneth Jameson go inspect the progress of work at the homeowner whose ditches are full and covert 3/4 blocked the HOA tried to bill. I think that homeowner ought to put in a demand letter to Belcher and Swanson Hope to see them at the meeting Thursday. This is a great photo op so put on those board capes and bright s.iles. remember no board business just committee business.
Date: October 17, 2023
Time: 5:24:20 AM
Message: Crabby Patty
Date: October 17, 2023
Time: 5:05:21 AM
Name(optional): Gertrude
Message: There sure are a lot of friendly squirrels running around, looking for nuts!
Date: October 17, 2023
Time: 3:26:01 AM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: All HOA members would you please write to the Registered Agent and attorney for the HOA. Belcher Swanson Law Firm PLLC 900 Dupont St Bellingham, WA 98225 It can be a post card, a friendly hello, just let them know you are an HOA member, send them a demand or tel them you want something from the board. I know snail mail how quaint. Send an e-mail if you like. If nothing else it will really annoy 3 or 4 members of the board. Yes you may even get a bill for daring to communicate with the attorney. I think if this the case Bay Ridge Community Club has a sucky contract with Belcher Swansohn. Have fun you all.
Date: October 16, 2023
Time: 6:20:09 AM
Name(optional): Chris
Message: Hey Linda, When they come for your pig you won't be on their side. Careful who you side with. When you side with Snakes 🐍 you'll likely be bitten.
Date: October 13, 2023
Time: 2:51:07 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: We need you at the special meeting on October 19. The current board wants you to be complacent. Have they really done enough for you to be fat. Dumb and happy? What have they done for you? They clearly do not want you at the meeting, but they sure want your proxy. Give it to me I will make good use of it. We really should get half of the owners at the meeting. At least a third, yet we may not get 20 percent of you. Why should you be there? Could be because of how the bit storm water was managed. Two board members had cisterns paid for by the HOA. One cistern that BAI was supposed to be replaced and the HOA charged for was not. Two owners had covers torn out and replaced. Most likely the HOA should pay for that work as it was not coordinated with the owners. Gee maybe that cc And R committee is needed. I certainly have not seen the entire board out together doing the committee's work. No they cannot use it to do board work on the sly. The board could have given Jamie Owen's 60 days to make good on his dues. Nope they had a kangaroo court. They should have removed Judy at that time as she is not an owner, not a member. As such she is beholden to certain members of the board. This is corrupt. Two members of the same household on the board is corrupt and filling the President and Secretary position is corrupt. At some. Point in time the board will have to audit the reserve fund by law they took money out and must do this. What amount is fully funded is unknown but they are likely to have to do an accessioning which will mean each owner will get a bill for hundreds or thousands of dollars. So come see what is happening. Participate. Do not vote me onto the board. Some of you come be on the board.
Date: October 10, 2023
Time: 1:37:43 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: If you cannot attend the special membership meeting and want to vote it is time for you to request your absentee ballot from Patty the Secretary. It is not possible to do proxies in a ballot vote per Robert's Rules of Order. Members have a right to an absentee ballot. These ballots should have been part of the packet sent out announcing the meeting. An unknown chair will be running the meeting. There will be tellers, but again who these folks are is again unknown. They could be tax collectors or Miss Marples 6th grade history class. There actual neutrality is unknown.
Date: October 8, 2023
Time: 4:45:55 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: My magic eight ball says it is likely there will be a quorum at the special membership meeting. We need candidates. Those willing to be candidates I salute you. Stand up with Spartecus!!! Say I am the candidate! Be brave!
Date: October 6, 2023
Time: 7:57:20 PM
Name(optional): Ralph
Message: I think we have the stupidest Board in recent memory serving us, do not give them your proxy as that will compound the problem and the idiots will make stupider decisions with your vote and money! Show up to vote!
Date: October 5, 2023
Time: 12:42:49 AM
Message: Could you please use the contact us. Give a lot number. Tell us if you plan to attend the meeting on the 19th. If you plan to vote people off the board, keep them, or if you are undecided. Let us know if you are willing to run for office as anyone voted off except one of the four can run again for office. If no one is willing to run this is all a futile effort and Mark Adams may revoke his letter at noon on the 15th if there are not at least 3 members willing to run for board. Thank you members.
Date: October 5, 2023
Time: 12:03:22 AM
Name(optional): Neighbor
Message: Yes the greek method, that is what we shall do! I am not joining the public bath though.. That swim hole looks pretty murky
Date: October 5, 2023
Time: 12:00:35 AM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: If the members wanted to be stoic Greeks we could put all the lot numbers on chips and put them in a jar and 5 chips are pulled out and that is our board and officers. Very democratic for jobs that are unpaid and often thankless.
Date: October 4, 2023
Time: 11:57:51 PM
Message: Concerned member your ideas are welcome.
Date: October 4, 2023
Time: 11:26:27 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: And concerned member your ideas are women here please share.
Date: October 4, 2023
Time: 11:24:29 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: To concerned member I amglad you spoke up. At least there is someone out there breathing. Are you going to be at the meeting? Will you step up and do your part run and serve and help the community. Please do not cry to me or anyone when you receive an accessioning bill of several thousand dollars or your dues go up. You are current on your dues?
Date: October 4, 2023
Time: 9:53:43 PM
Name(optional): Joe
Message: Is this Ken's mugshot?
Date: October 4, 2023
Time: 8:37:29 PM
Name(optional): Concerned Member
Message: Hi Mark, don't worry you will not be needed on the Board and would have zero chance of even getting a nomination. Your suggestions are stupid and I think you have a few screws loose, time to get some professional help, and stop annoying everybody.
Date: October 4, 2023
Time: 7:31:12 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: There is a rumor there will be security present at the upcoming special membership meeting. I am aware of any threats beyond threats of lawsuits.i am all for protection from my experience and from board members. I do know there were words at a past membership meeting that the Sheriff or a deputy told the current or past President they were not getting involved. Is the venue requiring this security? Is it a rent a cop? Sheriff deputy? Hells Angel's? Banditos? Is itvto intimidate members to remove certain individuals from the hall? It is a rumor so maybe no big deal, but I would not mind showing up with Jack Reacher.
Date: October 4, 2023
Time: 7:10:50 PM
Name(optional): Neighbor
Date: October 4, 2023
Time: 4:56:32 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Because I am the member (bastard) who put the request in writing to remove four members of the board Imust recuseyself per Robert's Rules of Order. They have declined the opportunity to make the meeting a straight election, my it would be nice to have some candidates should openings happen, but I must recuse myself from running. I cannot do a motion to remove or second any of the four. Unless called on by the chair I am a mere decoration during the meeting. I believe as a member I can vote if a vote occurs. I will have to check Robert's Rules. Please do not write my name in. My work schedule makes it difficult for me to serve in any office without taking time off from work. I do not believe any other member put in writing a request so I retain my right to revoke my written request.
Date: October 4, 2023
Time: 4:22:32 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: The cc and r's outline the respo sibility of the association and each individual home owners. In my opinion the associations o libations are limited primarily to the roads, maintains communal areas such as the park, maintenance. I believe the association has an obligation to maintain the tennis courts whether are used or not. I believe the association does have obligation to build some kind of community club house and perhaps a pool. Home owners are responsible for all else. The association is responsible for maintenance of ditches and cisterns and covers but replacement of cisterns and covers are the home owners expense. I think this covers the responsibilities, but reasonable people can disagree. Home owners may change the cc and r.
Date: October 4, 2023
Time: 4:07:20 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Due to the work done last summer the board used reserve funds to pay for the work. There are some questions a out if some self dealing happened and if BAI actually did all the work. I do not believe the cistern in the swale was replaced but the HOA paid for that work. The bulk of the work needed to be done. Maintenance had not been done for decades and pulling funds out of the reserves reasonable. At some point the board must do a review of the reserve. Is there enough in the reserve for future repairs or an emergency. There is a dollar amount that our reserves are 100 percent. If the reserve is 70 percent or below then the board may have to do an accession. And each owner will need to pay their share of that bill. 15 to 40 percent of our dues should go into the reserve. We home owners deserve to know what is the situation, and the board needs to do its job, whether the board remains the same or changes this bug a boo does not go away. I suspect we will all be getting a bill in the furure.
Date: October 4, 2023
Time: 3:57:04 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Many of you are aware that the state of Washington has mandated the phasing out of new vehicles and only new electric vehicles. This mandate will hit reality in 2030 and maybe it will hold up, be delayed, or go away. We were supposed to go all metric in the 80s or 90s and it has not happened. If this mandate happens it will mean several things for our community. Electric vehicles are heavier than conventional combustion engine vehicles. This will mean more wear and tear on our roads. Second it will mean everyone who drives in the community will need to install an electric recharging outlet. Maybe more than one. If you have a garage you will hire a electrician and pay for an expensive outlet. What a out those who do not have a garage. They will want to install a outside outlet in the vicinity of their drive way. Some home owners may find these outlets ugly and not suitable for our commubity. Others will find they are needed and it is likely the state will pass legislation similar to that for flags, political signs, ect. Perhaps the board should poll or set up a committee to look at any changes in the cars that are needed and get ahead of the curve.
Date: September 27, 2023
Time: 1:35:15 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: If you believevyou have been financially or just wronged or believe they are operating in a questionable manner and violating your rights you can complain forcinstance to the Washington Attorney General consumer division. If you do it on line I hope you have more success than I did. So I did a written complaint. The Consumer affairs look atvthem all, and often do not do much, but keep complaints on file. The more complaints the more attention the business entity will get from the AG office. Also if you think there are issues come to the membership meeting, maybe run for office, you may not enjoy it, but June will get here and you can guilt or cajole one of your neighbors or neighbor friend to take up the mantle. Be a part of the community, part of the solution.
Date: September 26, 2023
Time: 1:28:23 AM
Name(optional): Neighbor
Date: September 26, 2023
Time: 12:11:44 AM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: My apologies I misread the announxcement that was mailed to me The Bay Ridge Proposed Regular Board Meeting Schedule 2023. There is suppossed to be a meeting on October 26, 2023. It happebns that there may have been some sort of Zoom meeting scheduled by the board for tomorrow. They really cannot do any meeting wthout an announcement. If this was merely about seating arrangements that is something in the Chair of the meetings privilege and perogative. You are going to have at minimum a podium. A chair for the Chair, a table and chair for the Secretary close enough to hand papers to the President, and a number of chairs set up facing the podium to accomadate the members and other residents, ect. Not exactly rocket science. Still this whole incident indicates skull duggary. Here is the RCW that governs meetings. Were they being followed? Were Roberts rules of order being followed? RCW 64.90.445 Meetings. (1) The following requirements apply to unit owner meetings: (a) A meeting of the association must be held at least once each year. Failure to hold an annual meeting does not cause a forfeiture or give cause for dissolution of the association and does not affect otherwise valid association acts. (b)(i) An association must hold a special meeting of unit owners to address any matter affecting the common interest community or the association if its president, a majority of the board, or unit owners having at least twenty percent, or any lower percentage specified in the organizational documents, of the votes in the association request that the secretary call the meeting. (ii) If the association does not provide notice to unit owners of a special meeting within thirty days after the requisite number or percentage of unit owners request the secretary to do so, the requesting members may directly provide notice to all the unit owners of the meeting. Only matters described in the meeting notice required in (c) of this subsection may be considered at a special meeting. (c) An association must provide notice to unit owners of the time, date, and place of each annual and special unit owners meeting not less than fourteen days and not more than fifty days before the meeting date. Notice may be by any means described in RCW 64.90.515. The notice of any meeting must state the time, date, and place of the meeting and the items on the agenda, including: (i) The text of any proposed amendment to the declaration or organizational documents; (ii) Any changes in the previously approved budget that result in a change in the assessment obligations; and (iii) Any proposal to remove a board member or officer. (d) The minimum time to provide notice required in (c) of this subsection may be reduced or waived for a meeting called to deal with an emergency. (e) Unit owners must be given a reasonable opportunity at any meeting to comment regarding any matter affecting the common interest community or the association. (f) Except as otherwise restricted by the declaration or organizational documents, meetings of unit owners may be conducted by telephonic, video, or other conferencing process, if the process is consistent with subsection (2)(i) of this section. (2) The following requirements apply to meetings of the board and committees authorized to act for the board: (a) Meetings must be open to the unit owners except during executive sessions, but the board may expel or prohibit attendance by any person who, after warning by the chair of the meeting, disrupts the meeting. The board and those committees may hold an executive session only during a regular or special meeting of the board or a committee. A final vote or action may not be taken during an executive session. (b) An executive session may be held only to: (i) Consult with the association's attorney concerning legal matters; (ii) Discuss existing or potential litigation or mediation, arbitration, or administrative proceedings; (iii) Discuss labor or personnel matters; (iv) Discuss contracts, leases, and other commercial transactions to purchase or provide goods or services currently being negotiated, including the review of bids or proposals, if premature general knowledge of those matters would place the association at a disadvantage; or (v) Prevent public knowledge of the matter to be discussed if the board or committee determines that public knowledge would violate the privacy of any person. (c) For purposes of this subsection, a gathering of members of the board or committees at which the board or committee members do not conduct association business is not a meeting of the board or committee. Board members and committee members may not use incidental or social gatherings to evade the open meeting requirements of this subsection. (d) During the period of declarant control, the board must meet at least four times a year. At least one of those meetings must be held at the common interest community or at a place convenient to the community. After the transition meeting, all board meetings must be at the common interest community or at a place convenient to the common interest community unless the unit owners amend the bylaws to vary the location of those meetings. (e) At each board meeting, the board must provide a reasonable opportunity for unit owners to comment regarding matters affecting the common interest community and the association. (f) Unless the meeting is included in a schedule given to the unit owners or the meeting is called to deal with an emergency, the secretary or other officer specified in the organizational documents must provide notice of each board meeting to each board member and to the unit owners. The notice must be given at least fourteen days before the meeting and must state the time, date, place, and agenda of the meeting. (g) If any materials are distributed to the board before the meeting, the board must make copies of those materials reasonably available to the unit owners, except that the board need not make available copies of unapproved minutes or materials that are to be considered in executive session. (h) Unless the organizational documents provide otherwise, fewer than all board members may participate in a regular or special meeting by or conduct a meeting through the use of any means of communication by which all board members participating can hear each other during the meeting. A board member participating in a meeting by these means is deemed to be present in person at the meeting. (i) Unless the organizational documents provide otherwise, the board may meet by participation of all board members by telephonic, video, or other conferencing process if: (i) The meeting notice states the conferencing process to be used and provides information explaining how unit owners may participate in the conference directly or by meeting at a central location or conference connection; and (ii) The process provides all unit owners the opportunity to hear or perceive the discussion and to comment as provided in (e) of this subsection. (j) After the transition meeting, unit owners may amend the organizational documents to vary the procedures for meetings described in (i) of this subsection. (k) Instead of meeting, the board may act by unanimous consent as documented in a record by all its members. Actions taken by unanimous consent must be kept as a record of the association with the meeting minutes. After the transition meeting, the board may act by unanimous consent only to undertake ministerial actions, actions subject to ratification by the unit owners, or to implement actions previously taken at a meeting of the board. (l) A board member who is present at a board meeting at which any action is taken is presumed to have assented to the action taken unless the board member's dissent or abstention to such action is lodged with the person acting as the secretary of the meeting before adjournment of the meeting or provided in a record to the secretary of the association immediately after adjournment of the meeting. The right to dissent or abstain does not apply to a board member who voted in favor of such action at the meeting. (m) A board member may not vote by proxy or absentee ballot. (n) Even if an action by the board is not in compliance with this section, it is valid unless set aside by a court. A challenge to the validity of an action of the board for failure to comply with this section may not be brought more than ninety days after the minutes of the board of the meeting at which the action was taken are approved or the record of that action is distributed to unit owners, whichever is later. (3) Minutes of all unit owner meetings and board meetings, excluding executive sessions, must be maintained in a record. The decision on each matter voted upon at a board meeting or unit owner meeting must be recorded in the minutes. [ 2021 c 227 § 13; 2019 c 238 § 210; 2018 c 277 § 310.]
Date: September 25, 2023
Time: 8:12:32 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: It is my understanding that the board meeting that was properly announced that appeared to be at the Blaine library at 5 o'clock tomorrow became a zoom and has now been canceled. I am calling for at least particular board member to show up and at least go through the motions of getting recalcitrant board at the meeting they called. I think the members should show up and if there is a quorum hold a membership meeting. Or at least give every member who shows up five minutes to speak into a phone to have their opinion recorded, and it to be posted. I cannot guarantee the current board will listen. But they should. Tomorrow folks 5 o'clock Blaine library be there.
Date: September 25, 2023
Time: 8:04:12 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Are you a physchophant of the current rulers of the board? I will speak and say what I want you may do thatvas well. Please do so. The fact you attack me rather than engage in speech suggests you are a supporter of Ken and the folks in charge. If you are an owner are you going to be happy when their shenanigans cost you in the pocket book?
Date: September 25, 2023
Time: 7:12:31 PM
Name(optional): Pj
Message: Mark Adams, what planet are you from? Your incoherent verbal diarrhea is giving all members a headache! Please get back on your spaceship and piss off!
Date: September 24, 2023
Time: 2:57:09 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: There is an upcoming board meeting we need some of you to show up. This is where it may come out on how the Board plans to screw the special membership meeting. All members attending should be able to address the board. Maybe someone asking that all meetings of the HOA be recorded would be helpful. The board should send out a corrected agenda at least 10 days before the special meeting. Members can ask a neutral chair be in charge of the meeting. Clarify the number of votes required. Ask it be a straight up election since none of the board except Stuart MacWilliams were actually voted on. Maybe get the board to clarify what is to be discussed. Maybe snow removal and a clubhouse could be added to the agenda. Personally I am hoping for a green winter, and it is a little more likely since. We are in a LA Nina period, but I remember last winter and I have pictures. So please participate. I rather think President Jameson may have the right stuff once he pulls his head out of his ass and hubris.
Date: September 24, 2023
Time: 1:28:32 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: The upcoming special meeting could well be a complete bloody waste of time. Still we can have fun mates. October 19 is NAtional Talk Like a Pirate Day. Ken is buying the rum! More likely he is burning the rum, why is he burning the rum? Come to the meeting and see. So come talk like a pirate, bonus if you show up in costume. We will make these bilge rats walk the plank! Elect a new Captain and first mate and sail to shores of Madagascar, and search for Ken's buried treasure! Shall we check out his cistern for pieces of eight! On a pirate ship it is OK if the Captain is sleeping with the Secretary. Come lads and lasses and be at the meeting. Practice your arrest and we will discuss something. Maybe show Captain Ken what a true mutiny is and Davy Jones locker.
Date: September 24, 2023
Time: 7:43:52 AM
Name(optional): Mb
Date: September 24, 2023
Time: 4:24:47 AM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: We need people to ask about the agenda of the upcoming membership meeting. The agenda for a special meeting is supposed to be specific. If it is too be a straightf forward election it should say so. What the discussion is about should be listed. If the board members I have called to be removed should be listed particularly if they want a trial. A neutral chair and secretary maybe necessary for the meeting. A new VP could be elected and th hey president e over the meeting. I do think the current board is trying to put the fix in like insisting on a two thirds majority to remove since they have not been listed rather than a simple majority if they are to be removed for orcwithout cause. The membership deserves an accurate agenda for a special meeting. The board actions have the appearance of manipulating the meeting to their advantage rather than serving the members. Call, chat. E mail. Write the current board. Since you have not been informed that the board expects you to go through the attorney lsison rather than writing the attorney because the board is at least toeing the line here. If you believe in your first amendment rights at least send the attorney a post card If you think the board and the attorney are doing a great job send the attorney a nice cheery post card to exercise your first amendment rights. Please participate in this opportunity to participate in the politics of this HOA. Run...vote bepart of the solution...do not ask what your HOA can do for you. Do something for the HOA and your neighbors who you actually have to live with rather than the folks in Olympia.
Date: September 22, 2023
Time: 8:55:37 PM
Name(optional): Karen
Message: Judy, you are not the Treasurer legally, you are a Fraud and have no business representing this HOA, goodbye
Date: September 22, 2023
Time: 4:33:21 AM
Name(optional): Tim
Message: Sleeping with the secretary! My oh my, I'm pretty sure that derelict sleeps on the couch with the dogs or in the garage and patty keeps his balls securely stored away in her purse
Date: September 22, 2023
Time: 4:26:25 AM
Name(optional): Neighbor
Message: Cannary lol what a couple of dumb fucks🤣🤣
Date: September 22, 2023
Time: 4:24:03 AM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: I am uncertain if there was a quorum of members at the last board meeting. If there was those members could have referred to my letter and put the four members I had asked to be removed. Asit was members present should have been heard by the board if they wanted to address the board or ask questions to the board. The whole issue of challenging Jamie Owen's about recording was clearly retaliation. Why the board is not recording the meetings if for no other reasons than to make accurate board meeting minutes is surprising. They should assume one or more people are recording. The fact the meeting is in the library is surprising as you really cannot keep Bob the Bum out. If any of you bother to look at the available minutes for the June meeting there is a note about 50 dollars I overpaid in June and that you members voted that the HOA would not return my 50 or give me credit You thieves, we'll not really as it did not happen I listened to the hour and 40 minutes and there was no reference to me at the meeting and certainly no discussion. Motions or vote on the issue. Guess I will just have to chat with the Sheriff's office unless I get an apology from the board and my 50 dollars, and frankly the board should ask Ken and Patty Jameson to resign. Also folks the President is sleeping with the Secretary. The two positions.on a board that the same person cannot fill is the President and Secretary. This is because of elections that they Secretary should run and other than a please vote for me speech the president has nothing to do with, so the President cannot corruptly influence the election, but hey when your wife is the Secretary you got an in. Guess the members are fine with this kind of corruption. Perhaps questioning why two people who live in the same property should not be able to serve on the board when each property only gets one vote. This is wrong and leads to more corruption. Members should be concerned and some need to step up and be ready to run for board positions parti ularly if the 4 members I listed and have given cause to be removed are removed by the members. It is your call folks. By the way I have been told the HOA has no records prior to 2018 odd since state law requires the HOA to retain all meeting minutes indefinitely. Ken Or Patty Jameson should have informed the board that records prior to 2018 are missing. You each should expect a letter from the HOA telling members they must not contact the HOAs attorney. You may only contact the laison. This is bunk as we all have 1st amendment rights and only board members can be restricted. And even then if the problem child is the laison and there are problems board memberscare duty bound to contact the HOA attorney. So remember folks your HOA President is sleeping with the Secretary. Wonder what George Carlin would say. In this case though he would remind you that you are embers in this club and can do something about it.
Date: September 21, 2023
Time: 9:00:57 PM
Name(optional): Karen
Message: Hey there Jeremy, don’t waste your money on a babysitter, there is no value going to this Oct meeting, just go in June.
Date: September 21, 2023
Time: 8:20:55 PM
Name(optional): Jeremy
Message: I have been waiting for a response, before I book a babysitter. Is there a free meal or are we just showing up to listen to the same idiots that were yapping at the annual meeting?
Date: September 21, 2023
Time: 7:12:42 PM
Name(optional): Frank
Message: Ken, it is the Semiahmoo Cannery where you wan't your followers to go not the Cannary building you stupid bird brain!
Date: September 21, 2023
Time: 7:01:23 PM
Name(optional): Concerned Home Owner
Message: I'm not sure what has been going on with this HOA. Who is up for removal, who do we vote for?
Date: September 19, 2023
Time: 6:07:25 PM
Name(optional): Pj
Message: We just did a refinance and all of are money went in to repairs on our house, we didn't think the HOA would mind us using a little bit of there money to fix up our stormwater and help us out. Mark has called us thieves and for the most part is probably correct but has not proven it beyond a reasonable doubt! We know best, vote us back in!
Date: September 18, 2023
Time: 7:56:21 PM
Name(optional): Rob
Message: Judy is the biggest gossip queen shit stirrer there is. This is the only reason she stays on the board to get all up in everyone's business. Its about time she minded her own business or shits really going to start to fly
Date: September 18, 2023
Time: 7:44:12 PM
Name(optional): homeowner
Message: I attended Monday’s Board meeting it was a train wreck. It was incorrectly run by Ken Jameson and who should be replaced by a competent member that can show respect to all attendees and conduct a HOA Board meeting with civility as our President. A Board member questioned the legitimacy of Judy Jones being on the Board as a non member. Ken and Patty both chimed in that a precedence has been set to allow her to assume this position with voting rights. This is blatantly false as nowhere in our Bylaws or Washington State RCW’s does it allow for this and if the Board does not take immediate action to rectify this Board derelict of duty on behalf of the HOA then they have all no business representing us. Judy, did not participate in all votes and asked us if we had accounting experience, clearly Judy knows she should not be on the Board and having the Board members cover for her is abruptly coming to end.
Date: September 18, 2023
Time: 7:40:42 PM
Name(optional): Linda
Message: Why has Judy Jones been allowed to lie to homeowners for years and hide the fact she is a glorified renter! She has done nothing but cause this HOA money with her incompetence and lack of accounting skills. Just ask there are lots of examples! It will be a great day to say good riddance to the biggest liar that duped this HOA and financially cost all homeowners!
Date: September 16, 2023
Time: 6:47:04 PM
Name(optional): Charles
Message: That is so great we get another paso del noorte buffet again! 2 in one year! This hoa is doing a bang up job bringing the community together for tacos!
Date: September 16, 2023
Time: 6:37:54 PM
Message: Snowman this is the Bandit. How is Fred?
Date: September 16, 2023
Time: 6:35:10 PM
Message: Hurrah for Bert. He likes bus rides? Picks up girl squirrels? They check out his nuts?
Date: September 15, 2023
Time: 11:17:46 PM
Name(optional): Gertrude
Message: Charles, thank you for that fantastic recommendation and that's what we will do, ride the WTA. Will i need a permit for Bert or should i just stuff him in my purse?
Date: September 15, 2023
Time: 10:57:47 PM
Name(optional): Charles
Message: Gertrude, I don't drive anymore there are too many nutjobs on the road nowadays. Maybe Patty can ride the WTA or call WTA paratransit since riding the fixed route bus system can be a daunting and stressful task.
Date: September 15, 2023
Time: 10:51:13 PM
Name(optional): Mary
Message: Certainly, I agree that Ken may be going through a challenging time and might be a few marbles short of a full bag. It's important to approach such situations with compassion and understanding. Looking forward to seeing you at the Kingdom Hall on Sunday and hoping for the best for Ken. Wishing you all a blessed gathering.
Date: September 15, 2023
Time: 10:24:13 PM
Name(optional): To thy Neighbor
Message: I am a Witness that lives amongst you wayward sheep. Ken has lost his way and the Kingdom says good riddance. But, please continue to submit your tithes for your salvation! Hope to see you all Sunday.
Date: September 15, 2023
Time: 9:54:38 PM
Name(optional): Jeremy
Message: So, what's the deal with this bullshit meeting that Ken called, because Patty told him too! Is there going to be food provided or at least some appie's? Is this a BYOB event, going to need some solid answers before I book a babysitter who has a 4 hr minimum.
Date: September 15, 2023
Time: 9:43:10 PM
Name(optional): Neighbor
Message: Yeah my neighbor told me Patty and ken were going around preaching their sob story like Jehovah's witnesses, He just let them speak but already knew the story. He felt violated by their personal grudge war and agrees with the people questioning them and believes now they are just doing damage control to make themselves look better or like the "Victim"..
Date: September 15, 2023
Time: 9:42:12 PM
Name(optional): Gertrude
Message: Charles, would you be kind enough to drive me Bert and Patty to Bellingham twice a week for the much needed help we all need? Patty has offered to pay for gas.
Date: September 15, 2023
Time: 9:34:24 PM
Name(optional): Charles
Message: I agree with bud! Did you all hear about the hostility at the board meeting? Seems ken and patty have quite the vendetta they are trying to hide but at the same time they can't keep their emotions/hostility in check! What a shit show
Date: September 15, 2023
Time: 9:08:24 PM
Name(optional): Bud from BBV
Message: Gertrude please contact Patty from BRCC, she is about as Bat Shit crazy as you are! You both need serious help!
Date: September 15, 2023
Time: 8:13:49 PM
Name(optional): Gertrude
Message: Hello fellow squirrel friends, I have some good and terrible news to pass on, Bert made it home and is safe, however I hopped around and went door to door and observed a fellow member eating Frizzle and Frazzle on a BBQ skewer what is going on with this crazy HOA, squirrel power?
Date: September 15, 2023
Time: 2:13:33 PM
Message: Dangerous ducks? Are they named Donald? Daffy? Duck Dodgers in the 24th century?
Date: September 15, 2023
Time: 2:11:02 PM
Message: I think the kids deserve big candy bars for trick or treating at the membership meeting. Costumes but no masks to be encourages. The kids deserve half pound or pound Hershey bars. Given out by authentic American GI in celebration of the Berlin Airlift. We Ii affiliation optional.
Date: September 13, 2023
Time: 9:20:17 PM
Name(optional): Neighbor
Message: Jeremy, I am sure they will be providing COOKIESSSSSSSS
Date: September 13, 2023
Time: 9:05:01 PM
Name(optional): Jeremy
Message: Pat, I was told by my neighbor there will be a Paso del Norte buffet being provided Oct 19th on behalf of the Board. Bring the whole family and have a meal and watch the entertainment free, all part of the dues we pay. Not sure if they are providing dessert.
Date: September 11, 2023
Time: 4:11:03 PM
Name(optional): Pat
Message: Are we going to have early trick or treating at the October meeting? I am sure the kiddos would love some Treats or Cookies!
Date: September 10, 2023
Time: 11:34:20 PM
Name(optional): SNOWMAN
Message: Yeah I saw that Bud was down and out with a nasty infection from the swimming hole, oh and got attacked by the ducks. He's right they should put up a fence or sign posts notifying everyone of these dangers otherwise they may be sued. Then there will be no money for even a picnick table
Date: September 10, 2023
Time: 11:10:21 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: If I want to take a dip there is the sound. This is the warm point of the year in that chilly water.
Date: September 10, 2023
Time: 5:25:39 PM
Name(optional): SNOWMAN
Message: We already have a swimming hole, its rather warm still.. You should go check it out and take a dip if you haven't already
Date: September 10, 2023
Time: 5:24:35 PM
Message: Give the land to the county for a park and have the county build a large picnic shelter with fireplace and maybe a pool.
Date: September 10, 2023
Time: 3:47:44 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: SNOWMAN I ve been to the park. It is a wasteland. Thas building material that has been dumped there. There is also a. Possibility that part or all is a wetland. Those parts that are should not be mowed u less you get permission from the proper county authority. If you are for it to not be used and allowed to completely returned to nature fine, maybe we should plant a few native trees. I am for a usabepark for the members. Ido not expect a pool ever to be built. A clubhouse of some sort should be there. It has only been thirty years, indeed not be nother thirty. We could have a community garden, better than paying a guy to rototill and prepare it for a farmer. No! Farmer Brown does it all and the HOA rents the accerage to. Him and deals with the tax implications. The wet land issue is Farmer Browns. Now if we rent out an area for Dr Hooks medicine Show is another possibility which would be better than letting it just go to waste. If you think k it should go to a waste, or be sold, ect say so. Just remember the HOA does pay some tax on the land and has for thirty years. What exactly is wrong is the expectation that it used for the purpose it was gifted to the Bay Ridge Community Club.
Date: September 9, 2023
Time: 5:19:19 PM
Name(optional): Snowman
Message: Mark, how many times have you been to the "park"?
Date: September 9, 2023
Time: 3:17:20 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: I think the park is an underutilized resource. We all Pau the taxes on it. I do happen to like playing tennis badly. Or just volley. I think we could have a community club house not like it has been thirty years for something to happen. A picnic shelter could be built fairly cheaply. Cheaper with volunteer labor and river rocks. Maybe even under 10 grand. It would add value to the community maybe bump home values up a little bit. A place to meet, gossip build community. Picnic out of the rain on a warm day in March. Enjoy the fireplace, even do hot dogs or hamburgers. Play cribbage...might need a couple of picnic tables.
Date: September 9, 2023
Time: 3:09:45 PM
Name(optional): Mark adams
Message: My crab apple tree has a bumper crop of crab apples. If someone us into making jelly or whatever please come pick a peck or a bushels. I also have plums that are just starting to get ripe. Most are at the top so a ladder is needed. Could this be the reason for bears or just the blackberries. I still have a few bags of concrete mix. And some old fashion flourescent bulbs.
Date: September 9, 2023
Time: 12:04:59 AM
Name(optional): Stan
Message: Heard there was some bears in the neighborhood, Maybe they are coming for the Picnic at the community center
Date: September 8, 2023
Time: 11:58:19 PM
Name(optional): Gertrude
Message: Just got back inside after an extensive search with a flashlight for my pet squirrels, I have not seen them in over a week and I am going crazy! If everybody could leave a handful of peanuts on the porch that would be so helpful, they all liked to be tickled under the chin and love to be cuddled!
Date: September 8, 2023
Time: 10:43:44 PM
Name(optional): Stan
Message: These retards don't even know what a deficit is (Even Ken the Tax man Taylor, aka Ken Jameson, AKA Ken Jung UN), you think they know how to manage money? Someone should call the IRS and have a little chit chat
Date: September 7, 2023
Time: 10:12:47 AM
Name(optional): Randall
Message: Mark, very interesting ideas you are putting out there for use of our common area and derelict tennis courts. Keep up the pressure on this board and with no adults monitoring their ineptitude on spending, you never know, your dream may come true!
Date: September 6, 2023
Time: 3:19:03 AM
Name(optional): Becky
Message: I'm getting really tired of stepping in dog poop in the common area I think we need to get some cameras down there and catch and fine the violators
Date: September 5, 2023
Time: 4:40:55 PM
Name(optional): Mark Adams
Message: Since part of the current board mess is I or we do not want that SOB at our house there is a solution. We do have acerage and it was slated for a commubity club house. This would be a location for board and member meetings. I think the tennis courts could be used two or three months out of the year. As a cheaper alternative a nice picnic shelter with a fireplace. Iron plate in fro t for grilling with a sink, a toilet nearby. A storage closet could be cheap alternative usable all year, except on those rare occasions the temp drops to single digits.
Date: September 3, 2023
Time: 1:03:32 PM
Name(optional): Jill
Message: As I follow this scandal, I am reminded of the famous statement by Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth
Date: September 1, 2023
Time: 7:21:13 PM
Name(optional): Neighbor
Message: THANK YOU FOR THE MUSIC! Its gonna be fantastic tonight!
Date: September 1, 2023
Time: 6:19:17 PM
Name(optional): Neighbor
Message: Looking forward to the music!
Date: September 1, 2023
Time: 5:00:40 PM
Name(optional): Bud
Message: Hey you all, been down and out with a nasty infection from your swimming hole, have you not heard of chlorine? Also, a bunch of ducks attacked me. Please put up a fence or sign posts notifying everyone of these dangers otherwise you may be sued.
Date: September 1, 2023
Time: 4:33:54 PM
Name(optional): Neighbors
Message: I am having a disco night at my place tonight and will be cranking it to counter that guy that plays John Mellencamp every Friday or Saturday and everyone is welcome to come over…...BYOB…I have a glitter ball and my Saturday Night Fever outfit and ready to boogie!
Date: August 31, 2023
Time: 10:19:25 PM
Name(optional): T
Message: What a bunch of clowns 🤡 (ken and his sheeple🐑🐑)
Date: August 30, 2023
Time: 7:23:39 PM
Name(optional): Charles
Message: Does nobody really know where the pool is? With the waterslides being closed due to that horrific accident, my grandkids want someplace to swim
Date: August 26, 2023
Time: 2:24:15 PM
Message: Could we get some boy scouts or girl scouts to clear the brush and down the trees and clear it of weeds as a community project? If not that get a crew together or hire someone to do some work. I suck at tennis but the state the courts are in is shameful. After all tennis courts are the place for meetings of boards or members. Easier to clean up after the brick and bracs. Also very revolutionary and so so French.
Date: August 26, 2023
Time: 7:59:35 AM
Name(optional): Neighbor
Message: Thanks for bringing the music back, I slept great last night! That John Mellencamp really knocked me out!
Date: August 26, 2023
Time: 2:05:44 AM
Message: Woah woah woah big macs are expensive these days! calm it down there buddy! Possible to get a good $25+ for gas round trip to go to bellingham though apparently
Date: August 26, 2023
Time: 12:22:57 AM
Message: All board members who traveled to attend the meeting at the attorneys office should receive milage and maybe a stipend for dinner...enough to cover a Big Mac at least.
Date: August 25, 2023
Time: 11:16:20 AM
Name(optional): Hi Sandra
Message: Another great question and thanks for using your name. Funny, how the President could answer in detail your question on what “Judy Jones does” and completely forgot to mention she is not a member and not legitimately the Treasurer, probably why she doesn’t do the accounting basics and costs the HOA money. The Board only uses the Bylaws if it helps them and their agenda and have shown there is no reason why they should represent BRCC and need to be removed. I think the Board doesn’t have a clue how to answer your important question as the minutes won’t match the taped audio at the Annual meeting and you would be subjected to more lies, forcing more coverups by the Board. Hopefully you and others are starting to see who the frauds are on this HOA Board.
Date: August 24, 2023
Time: 6:12:22 PM
Name(optional): Cabiñ
Date: August 24, 2023
Time: 1:32:19 AM
Name(optional): CaptaN
Date: August 23, 2023
Time: 8:16:53 PM
Name(optional): Paul
Message: Nope Sandra, Sorry No accountability around here, just CRICKETS!! 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗
Date: August 23, 2023
Time: 6:38:52 PM
Name(optional): SANDRA D LAPLANT
Message: I am curious as to where the minutes are for the June 2023 meeting. Do we have a date and time for a meeting with all HOA members regarding all the questions that everyone has?
Date: August 21, 2023
Time: 4:12:45 AM
Name(optional): Charles
Message: Hey Bud, Do you know where their pool is? My kids are coming over this coming weekend and want to go for a dip and they don't care for the one in the village😁
Date: August 20, 2023
Time: 5:51:22 AM
Name(optional): Jill
Message: Does anyone hear that noise outside?
Date: August 19, 2023
Time: 6:16:31 AM
Name(optional): Ben
Message: Enjoying my morning coffee, what the hell is going on here? What's all this talk about squirrels? 🐿️🐿️
Date: August 19, 2023
Time: 9:56:07 PM
Name(optional): Tom
Message: Does anyone know a handyman that can repair my toilet? I may need that person with the shopvac
Date: August 19, 2023
Time: 6:23:04 PM
Name(optional): edith
Message: where's all this darn smoke coming from, my dog wont stop caughing
Date: August 19, 2023
Time: 3:55:08 PM
Name(optional): Tony
Message: What is going on..I want a meeting called ASAP! Shut this whole thing down let the county take over
Date: August 19, 2023
Time: 4:28:34 AM
Name(optional): Charles
Message: Where is the swimming pool? I heard it was open to the public, I wanted to bring my kids over from the village to take a dip with a little different scenery

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