Homeowner letter to lawyer

I wrote to the HOA’s attorney and have not received a reply. It could be that some questions I have asked are covered by the results of an election on August 29, 2006, though it sems the HOA has no minutes from any board meetings prior to 2006. I have told the HOA secretary that is their problem not mine, sent her an article that clearly states that by laws and board and membership meeting minutes are forever documents. If one of you recalls being at the meeting, have a copy of the minutes or know where the missing documents are and that seems to be any prior 2018 please give the secretary a hand.  And please post the minutes here for all to see. Maybe some of you know a former HOA secretary, and they may have the documents or know their whereabouts.


  • Jim

    Mark, don’t get your hopes up for a response, we have a very shy and secretive Board that are currently in the fetal position due to your demands!

    • Mark Adams

      JIM Would you like to run for the board on October 19? Or next June? I know a lot of folks in here are work a day people and many do not have the time to serve on a board. And getting enough people involved to say build a picnic shelter maybe a big ask, but it is what builds community and makes things better.

    • Mark Adams

      I did not know that things were at this point. I actually think the folks In charge mean well. Maybe just lost sight it is about building community. Though primarily the HOA is set up to upkeep the roads in the community. I rather think the park is kinda a white elephant. It’s condition is not the current boards fault but it should have been kept up. Probably some kind d of shelter built in the park to serve as a community center, only been about 40 years for that to happen. Maybe returning the park to nature is an option, but we owners need to have that discussion. A decent picnic shelter would be a neutral place that would allow the whole board situation to play out rather than in someone’s house. Some folks officer hats and board hats and member hats have slipped.
      Management may simply be really sloppy. If all the records prior to 2018 are gone that is extreme sloppiness that is serious particularly if the records have been destroyed or cannot be recovered.
      A hundred and fifty annual dues is very low. Probably too low. Is money being spent properly is always something reasonable people can disagree about. As long as no one gotten a hand in the cookie jar the HOA is fine. Should it provide snowremoval…and yes I am ok with a raise of 10 to 20 bucks in dues to cover that.

  • Mark Adams

    Two days are gone and 1 day is left. Waiting for response by the attorney or my the boards laison.

  • Mark Adams

    Folks may want to let the Board liaison ro the attorney one day is gone and. Two are left. And by the way as a member if ignored in the future I will contact the HOA Registered Agent, and if still ignored take appropriate actions. If I believe the board or the or particularly the President are acting illegally or in a highly questionable manner I will contact the RA or attorney. Or just because I want to say something of some importance or mild importance. FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND ALL THAT JAZZ.

  • Mark Adams

    The letter on here was a draft. I have sent Jamie a copy of the actual letter that was sent. Not that I am going to get an answer from the attorney. That is fine then a response from the laison Ken. I am member there are issues in the letter that should not be ignored. No HOA records prior to 2018, ummmm. Oddly history repeats and the three issues to be voted on are back. There is an appearance of someones having there hands in the cookie jar. We do need a few people to run for board positions on October 19. If board members are removed. Apparently the vacant VP position will be voted on by yhe members. My fun meter is pegged and I am strongly considering complaining to the consumer division of the AG. You can complain too especially if you know directors are pocketing hoa resources.

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