Lack of Transparency…

There was a Board meeting at the Blaine Library September 11, 2023 @ 5:30 P.M. The board meetings are open to all owners for the entirety of the meetings to witness (not interact, ask questions, etc). They are supposed to conduct the meetings as if nobody else was there. They should not change their actions/behavior just because they are, or aren’t being watched. Oh boy that is NOT the case!

Immediately upon me entering the room I was greeted and asked if I was recording, I proceeded to state YES I was recording and that this was everyone in that room’s notification that the following conversation would be recorded. The recording included that disclosure as per required in RCW 9.73.030. (it states “Consent shall be considered obtained whenever one party has announced to all other parties engaged in the communication or conversation , in any reasonable manner, that such communication is about to be recorded: PROVIDED, That if the conversation is to be recorded that said announcement shall also be recorded). If one doesn’t consent, their option is to NOT SPEAK or LEAVE… Not tell the person recording they have to leave. Sorry you misunderstand the law yet again there Kenny boy.

I was IMMEDIATELY verbally attacked by Ken Jameson, using his self proclaimed “Loud Voice” and proceeded to aggressively tell me that if I was going to record I would have to leave the meeting. I proceeded to notify him he was indeed wrong, and handed him the paper that I had printed with the previously mentioned RCW and said that he could read that and see that he is wrong. He Hastily took the paper and said he WAS NOT reading it and that if I was going to record that I needed to leave, COMPLETELY ignoring Washington LAW. I again told him that he was WRONG and asked to read the paper. He started to read, and go to a point where he thought it sounded good for his benefit and stopped, RIGHT before where it says “Consent shall be obtained….”. OH How convenient. I proceeded to tell him to keep reading and he continued to raise his voice, yelling across the room which all other owners witnessed, telling me that I could not record. FINALLY Tyler spoke one of few wise words to Kenneth and told him to let it go and continue.

My Question, and I would like the Homeowners to ALSO have this same question is WHY THE PUSHBACK? What is there to HIDE? Stop keeping people in the dark! Stop keeping things unless “people request it”. STOP LYING when it fits your agenda. STOP involving your personal feelings in HOA Business.

There were several other occurrences that Mr. Jameson couldn’t keep his composure, constantly talking over others when they had the floor, dictating what could and could not be said about a specific discussion topic. This brought shock to other owners attending the meeting, but seems just to be the norm amongst the board members. Hostile, My way or the highway, You have to be a “YES” man or your excluded from the “club” (their side of the board).

This was very apparent, and also makes it very apparent that they cannot leave their feelings at the door and not let personal feelings/biases interfere with HOA BUSINESS. If one cannot separate their personal biases/opinions they should NOT be on the board. Currently 4 of them cannot separate their friendship from HOA business and it is causing “GROUP” decisions and when ONE person disagrees with them they aren’t “Cooperative” anymore according to Patty Jameson. She made several uncalled for snide comments towards Stuart McWilliam that totally show the lack of ability to separate her personal biases/opinions from HOA Business. One being “You were a different Stu back then” and “Typical Saturday night Stu”, as well as others. Although such behavior is great to show their unprofessionalism, and reason they should not continue serving as board members.

There should be zero reason the board is against recording the meetings, either audio, or audio and video. There should be nothing to hide, and they should want 100% transparency and so should the HOMEOWNERS! Lots of Boards have no issue recording the meetings both audio and video. Granted the meetings COULD be kept private via the website and require a password. Such configuration would allow OWNERS only to access the meetings instead of the whole public/entire internet. Recording the meetings not only makes things more transparent to all, it would be great for people who could not attend the meetings to be able to have a way to watch/listen/ and get involved that way. As well, it would allow a very accurate timeline for creating the meeting minutes of every single meeting and reduce any lack of remembering.

Bottom line, the partial board’s lack of ability to separate personal opinions/biases has caused this whole situation and continues to do so as long as they want to stay petty. Not only that, this has also hindered the board/associations possibilities that were in the works regarding the website, HOA Organization/better records keeping, Online payments, and also saving money in several different areas because they chose that it was a better idea to REMOVE the board member that “They did not get along with” Just because of that, ZERO OTHER LEGITIMATE REASON.

These same personal opinions/biases have led the 4 members to admittedly (Patty admitted it several times) exclude Stuart McWilliam from HOA related conversations, business, and also exclude him from contact with the lawyer, because they were using the lawyer for their personal agenda.

The lawyer correspondence was requested by myself on July 27th, and again before the August 4th Lawyer meeting. Yet they CONTINUALLY lie, even in this board meeting that my requests did not come until after I was no longer on the board. BLATANT LIES that can be proven from the email dates. Really Simple FACTS. They specifically voted at the 9/11/23 Board meeting to KEEP all correspondence between them(*A PARTIAL BOARD) and the lawyer ( again REPRESENTING PART of the board and not the board as a whole) NOT in the best interest of the Association. So more HIDING and LACK of transparency.

Owners should DEMAND to know what the correspondence included as they used HOA MONEY to engage the lawyer. Its your RIGHT to know WHY Patty whined for days to the lawyer, via email, sending every text and email from myself and Stu, racking up the hours, wasting HOA money for zero legitimate reason.

All the stuff above, they will just downplay, deny, and say everything that is said is baseless… when in reality there are FACTS, WRITTEN & SPOKEN that can be provided as proof. Yet they still love denying the FACTS.

The audio will be posted asap once I get a chance to transfer from my phone to the computer. Might have to ask Tyler how, since he knows everything.


  • Mark Adams

    The board is supposed to give members an opportunity to address them on any subject at a y board meeting. They can limit each address to a reasonable amount of time.

  • Lack of skills that have cost the HOA going on $10,000

  • Linda

    Why has Judy Jones been allowed to lie to homeowners for years and hide the fact she is a glorified renter! She has done nothing but cause this HOA money with her incompetence and lack of accounting skills. Just ask there are lots of examples! It will be a great day to say good riddance to the biggest liar that duped this HOA and financially cost all homeowners!

  • Homeowner

    I attended Monday’s Board meeting it was a train wreck. It was incorrectly run by Ken Jameson and who should be replaced by a competent member that can show respect to all attendees and conduct a HOA Board meeting with civility as our President. A Board member questioned the legitimacy of Judy Jones being on the Board as a non member. Ken and Patty both chimed in that a precedence has been set to allow her to assume this position with voting rights. This is blatantly false as nowhere in our Bylaws or Washington State RCW’s does it allow for this and if the Board does not take immediate action to rectify this Board derelict of duty on behalf of the HOA then they have all no business representing us. Judy, did not participate in all votes and asked us if we had accounting experience, clearly Judy knows she should not be on the Board and having the Board members cover for her is abruptly coming to end.

  • Mark Adams

    If the board is actually serious about no recording rather to pick on one person. They shod amendment the by laws. To that effect. Or at very least collect every one’s phones and recording devices beginning with the board members. When in special session. It would be wise if all the board members phones or electronic devices were collected at the beginning of the session. Board members can agree to this easily or specific by laws maybe required. Yes this issue takes thought and there are different points of view, but the rules must apply to all, not individuals or groups. The boards tasks include hearing all sides of a matter even opinions the majority of the board disagree with. I really think some training is necessary for this board and that should be President Jamesons highest concern.

  • Mark Adams

    They do realize that by holding a board meeting at a public library the meeting can and is open to non members and non residents of the HOA. A concern that the board should take into consideration. Perhaps the meeting location should be changed. Maybe if we had a clubhouse or even a picnic shelter as a community center the HOA would have a neutral meeting spot that could be private to HOA owners and Residents. Of course if you want the general public at the meeting swaying it or participating what great fun that can be.

  • Mark Adams

    While members are there pri.arily to witness the board should give those who are there to voice a concern or address business before the board an opportunity to address the board. Even if it amounts to saying the weather sucks or the SeaHawks suck clearly topics not for the board or membership should care about they should get 30 seconds before being told they are off topic and if they have something on topic or for the board to get there quick you got a minute of a half left in your time

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