DON’T Give out your proxy!

Make your vote matter! Don’t give out your proxy blindly without fully knowing the ramifications of the people that will be voting on your behalf.


The picture is CLEAR. Please do your due diligence and read around here and see who the bad actors REALLY are and do not give up your vote to someone who will use it to further their agenda!


They literally want to takeover the website to ONLY push their agenda, to CENSOR what is being said, to Spoon feed ONLY the information they want you to know and to WITHOLD information they feel you don’t need to have! This is not how the HOA WORKS, YOU ARE THE OWNERS, YOU HAVE THE SAY!

Come in person and VOTE if you want to see a change in leadership and your HOA to not be a DICTATORSHIP!


  • Mark Adams

    I think the proxy as provided is insufficient. There should even be maybe a booklet included explaining. In this case the proxy should include how the person wants their proxy voted. Or if they want the holder of the proxy to use their judgment. Yes the member should be able to designate whether they want Wally removed from the board or not. If they want to vote for x if they run. Ect. There should be a spot on it for filling the vp position. The board has failed to fill it the membership should select someone to complete the VP term.

  • Jimmy J.

    I thought proxies were only counted if there was a tie, now a renter can show up and vote with proxies?

    • Will have dead people showing up to vote too, typical voter manipulation/fraud tactics to get their own way just like we seen in 2020 elections

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