More Shady HOA Activities

So your great “Board” is at it again, planning and scheming to get the win they so desire, to have “yes” men/women fill every board position so they can have it their way with every single board decision, ESPECIALLY ones to WASTE YOUR MONEY!


They apparently think it is okay to have vote counters for the Upcoming October 19th BALLOT ELECTION that are BIASED, and then some that are NOT EVEN MEMBERS. NOBODY Ken Jameson, Patty Jameson, Judy Jones, or Tyler Pick to count votes should be ACCEPTED BY THE MEMEBERS.




THIS IS NOT UNBIASED NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY. The Vote counters and checkers of the counters should be put together of members that have NO PRIOR DIRECT INTERACTIONS with any of the board members. These members should also be MEMBERS ( NOT RENTERS, Proxy or not). These members should also not be involved in any direct monetary gain past or present.


Members that should be excluded from any vote counting, Proxy Signature checkers, monitoring of ballot counting.

  • Tess O’Flaherty (shown previous bias in favor of the members to be voted off. i.e. Is part of their “friend group”)
  • Val Hamilton (shown previous bias in favor of the members to be voted off. i.e. Is part of their “friend group”)
  • Achilles Mallari (has previous monetary gain, of HOA paying for storm culvert that according to Bylaws is HOMEOWNERS RESPONSIBILITY)


this list is not an all encompassing list, again no one with direct interactions or friendships with the current board members should be accepted as vote counters/monitors.


Bottom line is, they are planning this upcoming meeting in every way they can to make it favorable to THEM.  Just as everything else, its THEIR WAY or NO WAY. They pick and place who they want to do what, so they can get the outcome they want(Staying on the board, keeping their double vote, and 2 other buddy buddy “yes men/women” and continuing to do everything in their corrupt, messy, “informal” and mismanaged way)


Vocabulary list for the Board (since they seem to have difficulties differentiating)

    • the total amount by which money spent is more than money received – Cambridge Dictionary (Patty: Maybe you should get Ken that for Christmas, would benefit you both more than that stupid Gavel)
  • Member
    • “OWNERSHIP of a lot shall be the sole qualification for membership in the association” – excerpt from bylaws 4.3.1
  • Board Meeting
    • “A board meeting is a formal gathering of a company’s board of directors where the board discusses strategic matters”
  • Open Meetings
    • “Except as otherwise provided herein, all meetings of the Board of Directors shall be open for observation by all Owners of record
      and their authorized agents.” – excerpt from bylaws 5.2.7

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