Storm Drainage

Sooo Glad drainage down East Shoreview was half assed, yet the HOA conveniently replaced catch basins in 2 Board members yards that never had any water problems remotely close to East Shoreview!

There’s a catch basin under that LAKE somewhere…. One that was NEVER TOUCHED! Never Cleaned, Never patched/grouted as COUNTY ASSEMENT RECOMMENDED! Bunch of FLAKES



  • Mark adams

    Can we paint the cisterns that the HOA paid for gold? Rainbow flag colors? Unicorns?

  • MJ

    This is what happens when you have a board that does not have a clue about drainage, but are only interested in spending our contributions on their own properties, that were not approved in any budget, as Ken never told you what his personal intentions were!. Yes, Ken and Crabby Patty Jameson, Tyler Sobmeastory and JJ the non member assisting the thieves spending funds on their cosmetic cistern needs.They then sell the bullshit to members at meetings, then high fives all around getting it past uninformed members on the truth about what really is going on, do not follow the Leaders…membership this Board have stolen from you and the HOA, let’s be prepared to file liens on this Board to recover what they have stolen. If you receive a letter in the mail from a Dolan, then that will be from windbag Jameson trying to scare you…disregard!

    • Mark Adams

      There is also the issue on how approval was given by the board on the recent letter you got from the attorney. How was this letter paid for. At what board meeting was this approved? Has not been a board meeting since October 26. Same issue with the poll letter sent out the day before the scheduled board meeting. Hos were the funds approved? When? The purpose?
      When will the agenda from the 19 October 2023 members meeting be completed. The announced agenda was not completed.
      Nor did the attorney letter mention anything about the issue of proxies and ballots being mixed and spoiling the voting. Nor was anything stated that to remove any board member 43 votes from all members were required. Just some more corruption.

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