It is time for the current board members to clarify if they are planning to quit or if they are going to run for another year. Judith indicated that she is going to retire from the board and from treasurer as of the annual meeting at the October 19, 2023 meeting. The Jameson’s have put their home on the market. This suggests they will be off the board as well. They may consider quitting now as their personal plans may conflict with their obligations as board members and officers of the corporation. Members should be aware that they are here today and may be gone tomorrow. A clear announcement of intent would be helpful to members. With two empty board seats, Judy retiring and the Jameson’s possible departing there are many open positions. Who are the members who are going to step up and serve on the board. Please have the time to serve and if you get on be prepared to do some training, and educating yourself on non profits and HOAs be familiar with the by-laws, the state and federal statutes, the CC&Rs ect, much of this material is available here on this web page. It is unfortunate that the current Secretary has not made the proposed October 19 meeting minutes available, or any of the board meeting minutes available since June. This information would be helpful to any member thinking of run