Article on HUD invetigative process

I do think removing a man who had not paid their dues, but keeping a woman who is a non member is discriminatory. Attacking those suporting the man seems like that is retalitory. Not taking action about a tree down behind a members house since October could fall under the HUD rules. Delaying repair is definitely membtioned. Guys here is the process are we gonna have fun?

Home / Program Offices / FHEO Home / Learn About FHEO’s Process to Report and Investigate Housing Discrimination

Learn About FHEO’s Process to Report and Investigate Housing Discrimination

FHEO investigates allegations, helps individuals obtain agreements to resolve allegations, and takes actions as needed to enforce the law.

FHEO begins its housing discrimination investigation process shortly after receiving an allegation. You must file your allegation within one year of the last date of the alleged discrimination under the Fair Housing Act. Other civil rights authorities allow for allegations to be filed after one year for good cause, but FHEO recommends filing as soon as possible. Generally, FHEO will either investigate the allegation or refer the allegation to another agency to investigate. Throughout the investigation, FHEO will make efforts to help the parties reach an agreement. If the allegation cannot be resolved voluntarily by an agreement, FHEO may issue findings from the investigation. If the investigation shows that the law has been violated, HUD or the Department of Justice may take legal action to enforce the law.

Depending on the type of allegation you file, FHEO may follow a different investigative process, such as referring the matter to a Fair Housing Assistance Program partner. The processes of HUD’s Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP) partners may vary by agency.

To learn how to report housing discrimination with HUD, please visit the Report Housing Discrimination page. Allegations can be submitted online as well as by telephone, e-mail, or mail.

Graphic of circular arrows and personIntake

When an individual reports possible discrimination, we check whether a formal allegation can be filed under one of the laws we enforce.

What to Expect:

  • FHEO may interview the individual who wishes to Report Housing Discrimination.
  • Where appropriate, FHEO will draft a formal allegation, have the individual review and sign the allegation, and notify the parties that an allegationhas been filed.
  • As part of HUD’s Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP), FHEO may refer a fair housing allegation to a state or local government agency for investigation.
  • In certain circumstances, FHEO may initiate a compliance review based on the information submitted in an allegation.

Graphic of person at laptop reviewing informationInvestigation

After a formal allegation is filed, we investigate the allegations.

What to Expect:

  • HUD will assign one or more investigators to investigate the allegations made in the report.
  • After you submit an allegation, the investigator may ask you to provide more information. Generally, it will be helpful if you are prepared to provide:
    • A timeline of events, starting with the first contact you had with the person or entity you believe violated your rights;
    • The locations of events;
    • Any people who were present when events occurred;
    • Any other people who might have information related to your allegation; and
    • Any relevant documents.
  • HUD will provide the party against whom the allegation has been filed notice and an opportunity to respond to the allegations.
  • HUD may gather evidence in many ways, including interviewing parties and witnesses, getting documents, and inspecting properties.
  • After completing the investigation, FHEO will send you a written report of its findings.

Graphic of pen and paperConciliation or Voluntary Compliance

At any time, the parties can resolve the allegation under terms that are satisfactory to the parties and HUD.

What to Expect:

  • Throughout the investigation, HUD will try to help the parties resolve the allegation through an agreement. Any agreement is voluntary; no party is required to accept an offer.
  • If the parties agree, HUD will prepare an agreement for signature.
  • Following a signed agreement, HUD will close the investigation and monitor compliance with the agreement.
  • Depending on the authorities that apply to the allegation, HUD may resolve the investigation through a document called a Conciliation Agreement, a Voluntary Compliance Agreement, or both.

Graphic of document and legal scalesLegal Action

Where appropriate, we take actions to enforce the law.

What to Expect:

  • The government may bring a Fair Housing Act or other civil rights case based on the findings of a HUD investigation. Examples of relief sought in such cases may include compensation for victims, changes to policies and procedures, and training.
  • When the government brings a legal action, it does not charge any fees or costs to individuals who are alleging discrimination.
  • Cases before HUD Administrative Law Judges are handled by HUD’s Office of General Counsel, and cases in the federal courts are handled by the U.S. Department of Justice.

Process for Allegations of Housing Discrimination

Learn more about what you can expect if a Fair Housing Act allegation is filed with HUD.

What Happens After the Investigation of an Allegation of Housing Discrimination?

HUD Administrative Law Judge Hearing

Civil Trial in Federal District Court

Determination of No Reasonable Cause and Dismissal

Reconsiderations of No Reasonable Cause Determinations

You May File a Private Lawsuit

If You’re Going to Lose Housing Through Eviction or Sale

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