More Lies and Deflection…

RE: Patty’s Message dated 8/16/2023 here

More lies from the Jameson residence and the defunct board of directors.
TRUTH: Every board member was given access to this website to post, along with their own email. Certian members have chosen NOT to utilize it and then tell lies as this site has “been hijacked”. This is simply not true, to this day as you can see with PATTYS post, things are still posted on their behalf (which they could do on their own if they took one minute to gather some technical ability to login and do it themselves)
Each board member has the same access to post whatever they want on the website. Nothing of that has changed so them stating that is just more LIES and DEFLECTION trying to change the FOCUS away from them.
And any messages posted NOT BY BOARD MEMBERS, are NOT speaking on behalf of the HOA they are speaking on behalf of MEMBERS/OWNERS IN THE ASSOCIATION.
“ringing in” with the same nonsensical ramblings just to try and further push your false agenda where you just repeat yourself over and over till you hope everyone believes you is idiotic. All of the things that have been posted are in BLACK AND WHITE, FACTS. You just don’t like people having FACTS, and to that I say TOUGH SHIT cause this will continue until there is 100% Transparency.
Stating you “no longer have control” to reach you in an “uncensored” way is blatant lies, even the post dated 8/16/23, Kens past letters and all the other posts I have had to spoon feed and post FOR you, could have been done by yourselves. You CHOOSING to not use the resources given to you and BLAMING others/lying is not a defense. And since we like going in circles cause you either have a very poor memory, or your just extremely dense.. Your lack of technical abilities was, and definitely NOW isn’t my problem.

ONCE AGAIN; IGNORANCE IS NOT A DEFENSE (Ignorantia juris non excusat)


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