Private meetings, Secrecy and Lies

There have been many private meetings at the Jameson residence lately, none of which have been announced to the owners or board members for BOARD MEETINGS, and I can guarantee many of which have involved HOA business (of which they are leaving a board member out of these secret talks).

They did not announce any such conducting of any HOA business or back yard talks to ALL Board members, and are only including their little clique of people that like to agree, gang up, and bully their way till they get what they want.

Judy Jones who should not even be on the board, OR be the Treasurer because she does NOT MEET THE REQUIREMENTS to be on EITHER is still partaking in such meetings and HOA business.

Judy Jones
5586 E Shoreview
Blaine, WA 98230
[email protected]

CLEARLY NOT AN OWNER (not married, not on the deed = NOT AN OWNER)


They are ALSO trying to fill board spots with people THEY WANT and are seeking to fill the spots, The owners need to NOT let this happen! They are just trying to keep their ONE SIDED BIASED BOARD.

Members of the board are elected volunteers who should act in the best interest of the homeowners association, no matter their private opinion or personal bias. In addition, board members are expected to: Act in a fair and consistent manner!

HOLD THESE CLOWNS ACCOUNTABLE!! All they want to do is meet in secrecy, make plans to remove and silence people who disagree or ask questions, and ultimately run this HOA like its a DICTATORSHIP and I will continue to EXPOSE every single instance until it STOPS!


  • Mark Adams

    Listening to the meeting I wondered when the associations dues are due. They are not due until July 31, 2023. There is no provision that Ihave seen satating that anyone running for the board must pay before the election. The annula meeting is in June and that would be covered by the previous years dues. those due in July 2022 thus Jamie was likely in good standing at the time of election. And had paid the required dues for 2023 prior to July 31, 2023, the boards action is mute and the attorney failed to do due diligence.

    • Jamie Owens

      I was past due for PREVIOUS years, I will admit to that(due to financial hardships throughout the PEAK Covid Period). The FUNNY thing is they clearly had ZERO issue about this, and could have and would have ALREADY KNOWN this amongst themselves. Ken himself even boasts during the meeting that they wont go after people for past dues and will work with people on payments, blah, blah, blahh..(blowing more smoke up everyones a..! What he does best! )

      BUT they left out the clause they will use your past financial hardships AGAINST you if such an opportunity presents itself where they can!

      OH AND TO TOP IT OFF, I actually STUPIDLY PAID the past due amount, BEFORE the lawyer meeting( SO TECHNICALLY I WAS IN GOOD STANDING). They are saying (in their half assed loophole attack, that because I wasn’t current “AT THE TIME” I was elected (which I wasn’t) that I should have not been elected or my status was Invalid due to that.

      This ties right into my most recent post:

      • Mark Adams

        It is unfortunate you were in arrears for multiple years. The board should have begun an action when it realized hey a board member is behind in dues. The action should have started with the President implementing section 7 of the by laws not with the board jumping to removing you. That is right as a member. You deserve as does everyone due process. The fact the board was sloppy and allowed the HOA corporate status to be dissolved would have prevented any action by the board or President until the HOA corporate status was reestablished which was on or about the day of the last board meeting. A much bigger deal than what President Jameson made it out to be. There is a problem in that the annual meeting is in June and dues by the rules are due July 31. Which means the board action is wrong as you clearly had until July 31 to pay the dues for 2023. You did not have to be current at the time of election. Perhaps other board members not as well. Having a county Mountie parked on birch bay drive near the edge of my property and not situated in a manner the officer is doing traffic on Tuesday at about 11:45 was noticed. A meeting at the Presidents house with a county Mounty that lasted an hour yesterday is of interest. Doubt it was part of planning for a wedding but if so that is going to be a hum dinger am I invited?

        • Jamie Owens

          Maybe they were planning on hiring the sheriff to attend the meeting cause they think its going to personally benefit them? Previous board did that, and I watched a lady tell the then president to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up, and the sheriff just watched the shit show, as the then president told the sheriff he wanted her arrested (and obviously they did nothing 🤣🤣)

          That meeting was pretty SPICY and I have a feeling the future meetings will be similar! I am not the only one that will have no filter, and Big Bad Ken needs to learn to tone down his voice a little bit or he’s gonna get what’s coming to him(Verbally of course). They should probably learn Robert’s rules of order and use them, otherwise interrupting peoples speaking (just because you don’t like what is being said) is definitely NOT gonna win any brownie points.

  • Mark Adams

    Waiting for confirmation that my agenda item’s will be added to the upcoming board meeting. The letter was mailed to the HOA, the Registered Agent and copies handed to a board member. looking forward to hearing from the association. Sorry that it will probably mean the HOA will pay legal fees, but the board is obligated to tell the members about such expenses. Your HOA money at work.

  • Mark Adams

    The board failed to follow the provisions of bylaw 7.1 prior to the meeting. No where in the by laws did I find when dues are due.. Must be in the annual letter on when the membershop meeting is.

  • VOTE OUT KEN Jung Un

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