Accountability and unbiased actions

We need to start seeing some accountability, unbiased actions, and the actions trying to SILENCE people who question things or disagree to STOP. Also, this ONE SIDED dictatorship needs to get broken up and a HEALTHY FUNCTIONAL BOARD in place with members that don’t carry personal biases and are acting in a fair & ethical manner.

I can tell you one thing. I will no longer be supporting this DISFUNCTIONAL “BOARD”/HOA with not one further penny in the form of dues EVER. And I would suggest no one else support their dictatorship like actions and way of running the “Board”. Liens do nothing unless you plan on selling. So you can come get the money when I’m dead, cause I ain’t Moving!

So you can add me to that list of 21+ and growing of delinquent dues, and you can take the liens and shove it where the sun don’t shine! Enough people do that, there won’t be any money to operate and the board will CONTINUE to run in a deficit as it is now, for the past 3 years and eventually just have to call it quits. Upping dues that people are already NOT paying, are not going to make them pay any more than before. Actually I can guarantee you that it will INCREASE the amount of people that WONT pay and further increase the yearly deficit. Then they can just dissolve the whole thing and let the county operate everything just as they do every other road up the hill (looks to me like they are doing JUST FINE up there.

Jamie Owens
Fraudulently Removed(“we wont attack you for money issues, until it suits our needs” – KEN JAMESON) Former Vice President
Bay Ridge Community Club


  • Mark Adams

    On board or membership minutes. Once approved by the board if something is not in the minutes. Then it did not happen.

  • Mark Adams

    As far as the board dissolving the HOA the board cannot. The members may at a members meeting for that purpose, but it does require 80 percent of owers to vote for dissolution. I doubt dissolution would happen. I am, unsure on how I would vote on dissolution although I once believed I would never buy a property that is a condo or HOA. Yep. I definitely know why I thought that.
    I do not think members should withhold their dues. They bought into the HOA andd for better or for worse are obligated to play by the rules. Yoiu do not want to give these folks the ability to fine you, do a lien and then foreclose.

  • Susan

    Hey there, It’s become painfully clear that there’s a serious lack of accountability and transparency within the current state of affairs. The way dissenting voices are being suppressed is truly disheartening.

    Erick’s response hit the nail on the head as well. The call for an unbiased and functional board is not just a whim; it’s a necessity for a healthy community. Personal biases and one-sided decision-making have no place in an organization that’s meant to serve everyone’s best interests.

    And you know what? I’m completely with you on your decision to withhold any further support. It’s about time someone took a stand against this dysfunctional “Board” and its oppressive tactics. It’s outrageous to see how they’re treating the issue of delinquent dues. Threats of liens might work as short-term solutions, but in the long run, they’re driving people away and exacerbating the financial problems.

    I can see where Jamie Owens is coming from, having experienced the inner workings of the board. That statement from Ken Jameson speaks volumes about their intentions. It’s almost as if they’re holding financial struggles as a weapon, only to be wielded when it suits them. The notion that they could dissolve the whole thing and let the county take over does seem like a feasible alternative at this point, given their consistent mishandling of matters.

    It’s high time for a change, for a community-run by people who genuinely care and are committed to impartiality and ethical conduct. Count me in on supporting a transition to a more balanced and accountable management. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that our community thrives in a fair and just manner.


  • Erick

    I couldn’t agree more! It’s beyond infuriating to witness the complete lack of accountability and transparency within our community’s board. It’s as if they believe they can operate above the law and without any consideration for the concerns of the very people they’re supposed to represent.

    The fact that they try to silence anyone who questions their actions or disagrees with their decisions is a blatant disregard for our right to express our opinions. I’m tired of feeling like my voice doesn’t matter in this so-called “democratic” process.

    And you’re right about the dues – what’s the point of paying if we’re not seeing any improvements or benefits? Threatening us with liens might be their way of trying to scare us into submission, but like you, I’m not planning on giving in. I’m done funding their dysfunction and their self-serving agendas.

    A functional board should be composed of individuals who genuinely care about the well-being of the community, not those who are driven by personal biases or ulterior motives. It’s frustrating to see them operating in the shadows and making decisions that affect all of us without any transparency.

    If more of us take a stand like you and refuse to support their dictatorship-like actions, maybe they’ll finally realize that we’re not going to be silent anymore. It’s time for a change, and if that means pushing them to dissolve the whole thing, then so be it. We deserve better than this.

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