Mark Adams Message the community/board

The following is a website contact form message from an owner within the community with his opinion on the past and recent/ongoing issues with the HOA Board. Mark requested this message be posted for all to see and discuss.


  • Jeff

    Great message Mark, got a little weird in the middle when talking about the Jameson’s being blood relatives…..hopefully that was a typo!

    • Mark adams

      Who is a blood relative is defined in law. Under the English common law and American law married couples are considered blood relatives. Yes it is a little archaic but it is the proper term. A by law prohibiting blood relatives from being on a board together would include married couples. For clarity it should say married couples, those holding themselves out as such, and blood relatives cannot serve on the board together.

      The fact each property owner only gets one vote in elections highly suggests you cannot have two members of a household on the board, or only one can be a voting member. Still they could own two properties and blood relatives likely would own seperate properties. Some may feel that having father and son or father son and daughter on the board to be fair, and they may all be independent enough that no conflicts of interest would exist, still it is a board of six people and two blood relatives is a substantial voting block. Or three and four is a majority, and as they say in parliament being in the minority sucks. At least here you could possible marry into the majority.

  • Susan

    This is all a bunch of bullshit good for nothin, excuse to take your money

  • Mary

    Mark, Your thorough breakdown of the recent board meeting is quite impressive, demonstrating a level of scrutiny that even the board might envy. It’s evident that your commitment to the community runs deep, and your pointed remarks reflect a genuine concern for its well-being.

    Your insights about potential legal implications are particularly intriguing, and it’s clear you’re not easily swayed by assurances of diligent board action. Your skepticism adds an important layer to the ongoing conversation. As for the Sheriff’s deputy presence, while I can’t offer insight into wedding guest lists, I trust our community can manage any situation gracefully.

    Your keen involvement in these matters is genuinely commendable, and I have no doubt your well-considered input will continue to be an asset as we navigate these complexities. Amidst the twists and turns, your pragmatic perspective is a reminder that diverse viewpoints are essential for productive discourse.


  • Scott

    I completely agree with your assessment of the situation. It’s evident that the attorney’s handling of the board’s affairs has been less than satisfactory, resulting in a multitude of issues that have let down the membership. The lack of due diligence and failure to address critical matters, such as overdue dues and property maintenance, is concerning. The board’s actions and decisions seem to lack proper transparency and accountability.

    The points you’ve raised about potential conflicts of interest, particularly regarding the Jameson family’s involvement and the allegations of self-dealing, are very valid. It’s essential that the board members act in the best interests of the HOA and its members rather than pursuing personal agendas.

    The attorney’s failure to highlight potential legal risks, such as the possibility of Jamie Owens taking the HOA to court, is a significant oversight that could lead to financial losses and reputational damage for the HOA. It’s disappointing that the attorney did not provide proper guidance to prevent these issues from arising.

    Your suggestion of revisiting the annual meetings and potentially reelecting board members to establish a bonafide board is a prudent approach. Reassessing the bylaws and considering regulations on board member eligibility, especially when there are blood ties involved, could help prevent conflicts of interest in the future.

    The involvement of law enforcement and potential legal actions regarding the website only further complicate the matter. It’s crucial for the board to address these concerns transparently and professionally, rather than resorting to petty or vindictive actions.

    In summary, your concerns are well-founded, and the issues you’ve highlighted demonstrate the need for a thorough reevaluation of the board’s actions and decision-making processes. It’s important that the HOA takes steps to rectify these problems in a fair and equitable manner for the benefit of all its members.

  • David

    Hi Mark,

    I completely agree with your assessment of the situation. It’s clear that there have been serious oversights by the current board, and it’s disheartening to see the attorney’s lack of due diligence. The issues regarding unpaid dues and the potential conflicts of interest within the board raise significant concerns about the transparency and integrity of the decisions being made.

    The fact that the board has taken actions without proper consideration and, in some cases, even acted inappropriately by voting on matters where they should have recused themselves, highlights the urgent need for a change in leadership. The situation has become muddled with potential legal repercussions, and I also believe that a legal battle might be the only way to resolve this mess and ensure justice prevails.

    Reorganizing the annual meeting and potentially passing bylaws to prevent conflicts of interest would certainly be a step toward rebuilding trust within the community and ensuring that the board serves the best interests of all members. It’s concerning to hear about the Sheriff’s deputy’s involvement and the potential for further conflict. Petty and vindictive actions won’t lead to a positive outcome, and it’s crucial for all parties involved to approach this with maturity and a commitment to finding a fair resolution.

    Thank you for speaking out on these issues, Mark. Your insight and concern for the community’s well-being are truly appreciated. Let’s hope that necessary changes are made swiftly, and a more responsible, accountable board takes charge to guide the HOA toward a better future.

    Best regards,

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