Don’t become one of their sheep ๐Ÿ‘, stand up for yourself and the community

More propaganda delivered to your mailbox all to push their agenda and try and cover up and silence the ones who simply asked for info that EVERY OWNER IS ENTITLED TO.

I URGE YOU ALL to start seeking your own truths, Seek info from the BOARD that you are entitled to, Review financial documents, past invoices, quotes, and ASK WHY more money was spent when there were cheaper options.

Don’t let Ken’s self proclaimed “Loud voice” (aka LOUDMOUTH)walk over you like he has others! EVERY OWNER has rights to ask any question regarding records and be provided the information in a timely manner.

Simple facts are they avoided the select few that were asking questions, and even ADMITTED to it to the HOA Attorney. DO NOT STAND FOR PEOPLE WHO KNOWINGLY WITHOLD INFORMATION Just cause they like to be Petty(Patty).


  • Mark Adams

    A quorum of members can turn any board meeting into a membership meeting. That and my letter would be enough to remove the four members listed and replace them and the open seat. I will be unable to attend, I will be working. Have fun cardboard or plastic pitch forks are optional.

  • Mark Adams

    I am glad to see that the membership will get an opportunity to remove andd vote in new board members on october 19,2023. I think the membership meeting should have come before the board meeting. As it is members have seen the letter I sent and have posted. I think the board has a pbroblem should a quorum of members show up to the board meeting on September 11. It is the entire RCW 24.03A.530 that applies and I respectfully disagree with the attorney that by laws sections 5.2.3, 5.2.4 are the governing by laws, particularly since the by laws have never been recorded and it is entirely possible that the original by laws are still in effect depending on if the appropriate board meeting minutes show that these by laws were striken and the new by laws properly adp[ted. Did the board cross all the t’s b and dot all the i’s.
    I was hoping to go all French Revolution and meeet on the tennis courts. Supporters of King Jameson can sit on the right and supporters of democracy can sit on the left.

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