15 out of 85… LOL

You “board” clowns are really something else 🤣🤣

Majority of 15 napkin polls is not the MAJORITY OF THE COMMUNITY.


FYI: Your little “drafted language” in hoa bylaws or rules don’t trump FAA LAWS. Just shut it down before you get displayed for the fools you are.


  • S.A.M.

    I know you are calling these board volunteers clowns, but neighborhood idiots is how I like to refer to them.
    Can some non idiot explain to me how our accountant can perform a third party audit, that’s like the right hand telling the left what to do!….President are you really that stupid…apparently some members will follow you right off the cliff on your non valid 15 member poll! Don’t waste anymore BRCC funds in addition to what you have already squandered!

    • Jeannie

      if this board is making decisions based on a random poll, we need to band together and get rid of the FUCKS!

  • Mark Adams

    They also have to make the decision to take anything to the attorney as a board. Next board meeting is in December so no attorney involvement until then. And the board of four does not have a quorum. The could have a quorum with three sons one of the Jamesons. Consequence of your actions.

  • Mark Adams

    A board must make business based decisions. It is entirely possible for a drone to be flown over the property by law enforcement or by the border patrol. They may even have the proper warrants if they are like hovering above the Jameson property. Any Whatcom judge will make short work of any HOA rule on the subject, stating the FAA makes the rules here not you. Maybe you could opt to go in front of Judge Judy. That would be fun.

    • Larry

      Mark you are correct. I have dealt with this exact issue firsthand and it will be next to impossible to enforce any bylaws regarding drones and will be very expensive to do so. However, if the drone pilot is operating out of compliance then there may be cause to file a complaint. Other than that it’s a roll of the dice and it will likely be snake eyes!

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