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February 26, 2024/

New “Owner Posts” Section added to allow owners to make posts and comment/interact with specific topics. All Owner posts can be found in the top menu link You can register on the site using the Login/Register link, and you will have “Homeowner” access to post to that page. These posts…

October 20, 2023/

What they don’t tell you is there has NEVER been any talks/correspondence regarding this whole situation and the website. They continue to be PETTY and do it their way (enlisting the lawyer, costing the HOA, and being petty and lying to people about the TRUE reasons). Now they want to…

August 12, 2022/

The board has made the decision to purchase this domain ( ) currently for 5 years @ $12/year, and can be renewed after the 5 year term. The website is being setup as well as dedicated email addresses for the board members. This will allow proper management and separation…

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© 2023 Bay Ridge Community Club (UNOFFICIAL – NOT RUN BY HOA BOARD)