Stu Letter to Association Attorney

4.3 Membership.
4.3.1 Basic Provisions. Each fee Owner or real estate contract vendee of a lot in the Community shall be a member of the Association. Ownership of a lot shall be the sole qualification for membership in the Association, and the membership of the Association at all times shall consist exclusively of all the Owners. The ownership of an interest in a lot solely as security for the performance of an obligation does not entitle the owner of such interest to membership in the Association. The term “Owner”, as used in the remainder of these Bylaws, shall be deemed the equivalent of the term “Member”, unless the context otherwise clearly requires. 


5. Board of Directors

5.1.2 Qualifications. Directors shall be lot owners and Members in Good Standing. The term “Owner” in such context shall be deemed to include any director, officer, partner in, or trustee of any entity which is, either alone or in conjunction with another person or persons, an Owner.


  • Frank

    OH THE IRONY! The same bylaw comes right back and bites them in the ass, that’s called KARMA. Aka QUIT being a shitty person!

  • Jamie Owens

    Oh well well well….Tyler where are you? All we had to do was get along! EAT YOUR WORDS CLOWN🤣

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